Forum Discussion

AXZ's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

New Port Forwarding Method

Firstly, the new method of port forwarding being handled on Cox's website rather than on the router itself is a horrible idea and I hate it.

With that out of the way, I can't seem to get it to work. I am trying to host a simple http server via IIS on my windows 10 computer and I can't get anything to see it externally. When I check my PC's IP or localhost I can see it just fine. But I cant get it to connect at all on my external IP. I have completely disabled my windows firewall to test and still nothing so it must be on Cox's end. I forwarded port 80 to my PC's IP but it just isn't happening.

Any ideas?

Edit: Cox, if you aren't going to allow me to use port 80, could you please tell me that when I port forward it? Since you have this elaborate website thing you're using to do it you should have the ability to check if the forwarded port is or contains a blocked one.

    • AXZ's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for the info.

      "Web browsers use Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) to communicate with web servers. In addition to protecting bandwidth by preventing customers from running high-traffic web servers, we can stop many destructive worms that spread through security holes in web server software."

      This seems like a long way of saying "you aren't allowed to use the thing you pay for."

  • AXZ's avatar
    New Contributor

    This should be all the relevant info.