Forum Discussion

Ladybird's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Items going to spam folder that are not spam!!!

  For some reason some of my emails are going to the spam folder, I click that they are not spam but they continue to go to that folder/file. How do you get something from Spam back to normal email for good!?

  • Hi, there. If all of your email is going to SPAM, there may be a rule that's causing it, or it might need for us to address it. Please email with your name and a copy of this forum message. We'd be happy to help. -ChrisJ - Cox Forums Moderator
    • Flinx's avatar

      same here if I disable all my filters certain emails still go to the spam folder and the old setting to enable spam filtering is not there anymore.

      creating a filter rule to "whitelist" an email does not work because the emails are going direct to the spam folder.

      please don't tell me to go to cox tech support. a tech support call takes at minimum an hour and they always blame users for the problem.