Forum Discussion
I am having the exact same issue with a motorola MB8611 (on cox list of compatible modems). I am only sometimes able to reach the "activate modem" page, but get server timeout errors or no connection errors most of the time. Modem GUI says that all 32x8 have connected, date and time from ISP, and that internet connection is healthy. No internet from modem however (when connected direct to PC). Reset the modem to factor defaults, power cycled modem several times, nothing has changed.
99% of the time a modem gets stuck in self registration, because the Modem MAC ID is input incorrectly. Either Cox misunderstood what was provided, or it was provided incorrectly. You will want to take a picture of the sticker with your phone so you can expand the picture and get a good read on the MAC ID, and then Call Cox and request escalation to CAG, and they will fix it.
Second, the MB8611, is NOT a Motorola modem, it's a ZOOM modem. Zoom Telephonics purchased the name Motorola from Arris, who bought motorola and it's intellectual property information. Motorola Modems are NOW ARRIS modems, and the modems marked as Motorola, are produced by ZOOM, and I wouldn't even put that modem in my enemy's home, they are already mad enough at me. It's a piece of junk that stores shouldn't even waste space on.
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