Forum Discussion

swllngtn's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

internet cuts in and out dozens of times daily. Help!!!

We did not have ANY issues prior to upgrading to the gigablast service. Now, the internet cuts out multiple times a day. Sometimes it will come back on its own, sometimes I have to reset the modem. Cox has been out twice and says that nothing is wrong on their end. Called netgear they say it's not the modem. Here's the list of events from my modem. PLEASE HELP!!

2021-01-30, 19:29:43 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:28:37 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:28:35 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:28:30 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:28:29 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:28:27 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:28:26 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:28:24 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:28:11 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:27:56 Warning (5) Dynamic Range Window violation
2021-01-30, 19:27:50 Notice (6) TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:27:49 Warning (5) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response ;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:27:45 Notice (6) Honoring MDD; IP provisioning mode = IPv4
2021-01-30, 19:27:29 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:27:18 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:27:10 Critical (3) Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - Re-initializing MAC;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:27:07 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:27:05 Critical (3) Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - Re-initializing MAC;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:27:05 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:25:24 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:25:06 Warning (5) Unicast DSID PSN startup error
2021-01-30, 19:24:52 Notice (6) TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:24:52 Warning (5) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response ;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:24:46 Notice (6) Honoring MDD; IP provisioning mode = IPv4
2021-01-30, 19:24:32 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:24:14 Critical (3) Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - Re-initializing MAC;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:24:14 Critical (3) Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:23:36 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:22:32 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:22:30 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:22:25 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:22:23 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:22:08 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:22:08 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:21:59 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:18:26 Warning (5) MDD message timeout;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:18:19 Warning (5) Unicast DSID PSN startup error
2021-01-30, 19:18:09 Warning (5) Dynamic Range Window violation
2021-01-30, 19:18:04 Notice (6) TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
2021-01-30, 19:18:03 Warning (5) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response ;CM-MAC=bc:a5:11:8d:b2:dc;CMTS-MAC=00:a3:d1:5d:a0:ef;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;
  • SharonL's avatar
    Former Moderator

    I am sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with your internet. This appears as if you may need someone to investigate your account personally. We would be able to assist you with this. Please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email us at Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started.

    Cox Support Forum Moderator
  • Dave9's avatar
    Contributor III

    Those T3 timeouts will cause problems. Every T3 timeout represents packet loss that causes the internet to cut out. Check all of your interior connections, remove unnecessary splitters and replace all interior cable with brand new high quality RG6 if possible. If you do all that are are still getting T3 timeouts you need to call for another tech since the first ones probably missed something. There is always a small chance that it's a defective modem but that's a very small chance compared to how often Cox blames the modem.

  • I do not have the Gigablast service and sounds like I do not want it.  I have had my internet only drop three days in a row - the cox telephone service still works and it comes through the same Cox provided modem. When I reset the modem the internet and telephone work. I will try to call/chat with Cox to see if they have an answer.  There were no announced outages. It is also not my router/switch - I connect a computer directly to the Cox Modem and still no internet.

    In the past I had the internet dropping at 9:30 PM every evening.  I connected my computer directly to the modem and it worked - only with IPV6. I offered to send the netstat and ipconfig screen shots.  They were not interested and the outages stopped. 

    • No_Up_Speed's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Don't get Gigablast, I have it  and I'm paying an arm and a leg for it  and I can barely even do my job its so bad.  Been trying to get Cox to fix the problem for 2 months now.

    • BenS1's avatar
      Former Moderator

      We'd like to help investigate these issues for you. Please email us at with your full name and address.

      Ben S.
      Cox Support Forums Moderator