Forum Discussion

Tolhits's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

Internet connectivity disconnects randomly every 5-30 mins

The line quality of the cable seems to disconnect the internet all the time causing annoying interruptions.

I have to move the cable going from the wall to the modem and get the right spot for data to flow, if its in the wrong position it disconnects more often.

The disconnecting randomly has started since December, but now its progressively getting worse. 

The modem/router is fine, we have a completely new one, ethernet cable is fine, only thing that affects the connectivity is the cable that runs through the attic and into the modem.

Modem: Arris Touchstone TG2472

(When the network disconnects, Upstream channel 4 disappears, sometimes other upstream channels are gone as well.

 RF Parameters


DCID Freq Power SNR Modulation Octets Correcteds Uncorrectables
Downstream 1 3 795.00 MHz -6.20 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 3453705 245 841
Downstream 2 1 783.00 MHz -6.30 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 1700216 250 931
Downstream 3 2 789.00 MHz -6.00 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 1617842 10 34
Downstream 4 4 801.00 MHz -6.20 dBmV 37.64 dB 256QAM 1719611 101 1160
Downstream 5 5 807.00 MHz -5.80 dBmV 37.64 dB 256QAM 1443718 6 34
Downstream 6 6 813.00 MHz -5.80 dBmV 37.64 dB 256QAM 1356303 8 36
Downstream 7 7 819.00 MHz -5.50 dBmV 38.61 dB 256QAM 1387176 5 35
Downstream 8 8 825.00 MHz -5.30 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 1470298 13 21
Downstream 9 17 879.00 MHz -5.00 dBmV 37.64 dB 256QAM 1482344 28 0
Downstream 10 18 885.00 MHz -5.00 dBmV 38.98 dB 256QAM 1383583 21 0
Downstream 11 19 891.00 MHz -4.70 dBmV 37.64 dB 256QAM 1360854 18 0
Downstream 12 20 897.00 MHz -4.70 dBmV 38.61 dB 256QAM 1390747 28 0
Downstream 13 21 903.00 MHz -5.00 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 1354714 8 27
Downstream 14 22 909.00 MHz -5.30 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 1574076 25 6
Downstream 15 23 915.00 MHz -5.60 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 1320583 18 0
Downstream 16 24 921.00 MHz -5.50 dBmV 37.64 dB 256QAM 1433773 45 2
Downstream 17 33 357.00 MHz -1.50 dBmV 38.61 dB 256QAM 1611260 71 1133
Downstream 18 34 363.00 MHz -1.30 dBmV 38.98 dB 256QAM 1440345 89 958
Downstream 19 35 369.00 MHz -2.20 dBmV 38.61 dB 256QAM 1267953 96 939
Downstream 20 36 375.00 MHz -3.20 dBmV 37.36 dB 256QAM 1376897 140 1016
Downstream 21 37 381.00 MHz -3.70 dBmV 37.64 dB 256QAM 1274819 124 1081
Downstream 22 38 387.00 MHz -3.30 dBmV 37.64 dB 256QAM 1258900 108 1008
Downstream 23 39 393.00 MHz -2.70 dBmV 38.98 dB 256QAM 1220114 128 1102
Downstream 24 40 399.00 MHz -2.90 dBmV 38.61 dB 256QAM 1275356 255 903
Reset FEC Counters


UCID Freq Power Channel Type Symbol Rate Modulation
Upstream 1 3 32.20 MHz 42.75 dBmV DOCSIS2.0 (ATDMA) 5120 kSym/s 64QAM
Upstream 2 4 38.60 MHz 47.25 dBmV DOCSIS2.0 (ATDMA) 5120 kSym/s 64QAM
Upstream 3 2 25.80 MHz 37.50 dBmV DOCSIS2.0 (ATDMA) 5120 kSym/s 64QAM
Upstream 4 1 17.60 MHz 39.25 dBmV DOCSIS2.0 (ATDMA) 2560 kSym/s 64QAM

System Uptime: 8 d: 23 h: 58 m
Computers Detected: staticCPE(2), dynamicCPE(0)
Time and Date: Thu 2018-01-25 11:24:36

 Interface Parameters
Interface Name Provisioned State Speed (Mbps) MAC address
LAN Port 1 Enabled Up 1000(Full) 38:70:0C:59:87:49
LAN Port 2 Enabled Down ----- 38:70:0C:59:87:49
LAN Port 3 Enabled Down ----- 38:70:0C:59:87:49
LAN Port 4 Enabled Down ----- 38:70:0C:59:87:49
CABLE Enabled Up ----- 38:70:0C:59:87:4A
MTA Pass Down ----- 38:70:0C:59:87:4B

Event Log:

 DOCSIS(CM) Events

Date Time Event ID Event Level Description
1/25/2018 4:56 84000700 5 RCS Partial Service;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 5:12 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 5:34 84000700 5 RCS Partial Service;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 8:50 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 9:42 84000700 5 RCS Partial Service;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 10:45 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 10:51 82000300 3 Ranging Request Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 10:51 82000600 3 Unicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 10:51 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 10:57 84000700 5 RCS Partial Service;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 10:59 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:01 82000700 3 Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - initializing MAC;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:01 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:02 82000700 3 Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - initializing MAC;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:02 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:02 82000700 3 Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - initializing MAC;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:02 82000200 3 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:03 82000400 3 Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:05 68000401 5 ToD request sent - No Response received;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1/25/2018 11:06 73040100 6 TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=38:70:0c:59:87:4a;CMTS-MAC=00:38:df:08:a1:5e;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

  • Hello,

    We can certainly look into this issue for you. Please send us an email with your full name and address to so we can help.


    Allan - Cox Support Forums Moderator