ISP drops, No downstream, No Internet…. why, oh why dear COX do you lie?
How are we supposed to trust you when… - Multiple Cox Representatives, over the phone and via chat, fail to complete account verification - Chat support does not understand the issue as described - Technical support apparently doesn’t know to use their tools and resources - Technical support misdiagnoses the issue, blames the customer, and doesn’t know to look for outages - COX outage information is not accurately reported and does not reflect on outage website - Smart Help self-service troubleshooting also does not report outage information, including from inner notes - Representatives do not know how to check inner notes - Technical support only solutions are 1) Reboot, the problem is on the customer end 2) Replace the modem 3) Charge extra for in person Technician 4) Charge extra to speak with Advanced Technical Support - Technical Support Supervisors argue with the customer in a way that implies the customer is a liar, even with issue being on Cox end - Retention department solution conflicts with everyone else, including Technical Support Supervisors ISSUE DETAILS: Home ISP went down around 7pm PST last night, in middle of remote work shift. Spent about 6 hours troubleshooting. Couldn’t wait for tech to come last night so purchased new modem. New modem had SAME issue, with no downstream or ISP connection. Reverted setup back to OG and went to bed. Woke up today and everything magically worked. Home network logs show ISP WAN service resumed around 3:30am PST today. Technical support kept saying the issue was with my router and my modem was old (they are still selling same model on shelves btw, it's great! TY Netgear!), even when I had NO router connected, was NOT using Wi-Fi, and was directly ethernet modem connection. All cable connections, including splitter in attic, are solid with no lose or bad anything. No amount of rebooting, restarting, or resetting would fix. Logs indicated packet loss on ISP end and issue was with 2 separate modems (1 was brand new). Oddly during this, both modems did initially connect for 5-10 mins after 1 st reboot and then stopped working. Multiple agents wanted to charge me for having a technician come to home or charge to speak with “advanced support”. Called today to find out what the issue was, what changed, or what triggered the solution so could prevent a next time. Tech agent didn’t understand issue and wanted to troubleshoot an issue I wasn’t having any longer, which was nonsensical. The agent also wanted to charge me for advanced support or to send technician out, which again was nonsensical when I was no longer having an issue. The agent’s supervisor did not listen to issue and kept saying it was an issue with my router or modem. I spoke with retention, who advised me there WAS an outage last night that ended this morning. Those outage details were apparently missed by every other chat and over the phone agents? Really, really ODD. Makes me wonder if retention was blowing smoke or if their Technical Support and Chat groups are really that inadequate. From my experiences, I sadly believe the latter. Work also checks on outages and saw nada. Can’t prove to employer that COX had another outage! At least retention did help with future tech support needs with the Cox Cares support thingy. I appreciate COX not charging me for doing their jobs and supporting their own services...mostly. EFFORTS LOSS: ½ work shift, 6 hours total time last night, 2 hours today, and $300-ish on new modem which needs returning. EFFORTS GAIN: Learned most folks don’t need to pay for the unlimited plans if you keep your data under 1280 gigs a month. Check your data use history and save yourself $50 bucks a month off plan bloat! RESULT: 12/2-12/3 ISP drops – it was them not us! PS. Make sure if you talk to anyone at COX they verify your account. Lots of agents like to skip that step, give account info out, and make changes without it.746Views1like3CommentsRefund my $200.40 ASAP
I called Cox to report that my internet is not working after trying so many times to do it by myself. Cox rep was pushing to dispatch a Cox Pro to fix the issue. He mentioned that if its Cox failure, Cox will take care of the charge which was $75. Cox Tech showed up next day, and after several attempt. He realized that its a Cox problem and he needs to do some wiring check (Per his saying). He did some wiring adjustment outside my home, later he pushed again to have their rental modem. The excuse was that Cox modem has dual band 2.4 and 5Ghz, and mine is only 2.4Ghz. And he mentioned that it will be free of charge for the next 10 days if I'm willing to return it. I had a feeling that there is something going on so I returned it next day, and Cox is charged me $0.40 for one day rental !!!!!!! And by the way, my modem works just perfectly up to this moment I'm writing this paragraph. Now, here is the big dilemma, first of all, per your technician, there was a loose connection outside my home so since it's outside my home, logically I'm not liable to it which means it's something that Cox should take care of it. Otherwise you should charge me for a connection issue that happens in Mars !!!! And second, I was told that the charge of the tech is $75, for God sake, how come the $75 become $200 !!!!!!!!! Be careful of Cox tech support, all I was told is fake, tech rep was lying about the $75 charge, and Cox tech blamed me for the fault, though he spent most of the time outside our building doing something I have no clue about. And worse than that, I was told that the their modem is free for the first ten days...... Please train your crew very well and let them sue they don't push or say none sense things, and keep in mind that there are tons of internet providers looking for customers. DO NOT PLAY THESE GAMES OR IT WILL BE MY PLEASURE TO SUE COX, REFUND MY $200.40 ASAP.1.2KViews0likes1CommentCox is throttling connection speeds for specific services.
I pay for 300 down service, and for the past month or so, it barely reaches over 100 Mbps, which is fine, everyone is home and eating up bandwidth, and 100 Mbps is more than enough for most things anyways; just hope it's not long term. I have been noticing though that specific things will literally kill the internet in the entire household, as if I can only do one thing at a time, or no one else can even do simple things like check their email. So I ran some tests. Keep in mind, in the last three months, I have used roughly half of my data cap each month, so I'm not a "power user" per se, and I haven't gotten an email from Cox complaining about my use. I ran speed tests about three times for each test and averaged it. I also ran the baseline (no usage in the entire household) after each test to make sure I was back to my "typical" speeds. In some cases I couldn't even run the tests, but maybe once, but here was my results (I'm not including upload as that speed was consistent through all my tests: No usage: 92 Mbps down on average Steam @8 Mbps: 65 Mbps down on average Steam @12 Mbps: 39 Mbps down on average Steam @16 Mbps: 52 Mbps down on average - This was the only successful result out of many attempts (six total attempts, all but one timing out), browsing the web at this time was EXTREMELY spotty. Steam was successfully downloading at the speed I set it to download at though. Steam @80 Mbps: No results - Steam fluctuated between 40 and 80 Mbps (at one point hitting 98 Mbps briefly and going as low as 25 Mbps briefly), but the internet was completely useless for the whole household during this time. Since I average around 100 Mbps the last few weeks, I would probably expect this, since I was using up pretty much all of my bandwidth at this time. YouTube @720p: 92 Mbps down - YouTube was recommending this quality based on my connection YouTube @1080p: 86 Mbps down YouTube @1440p: 86 Mbps down - Video played without issue, but the internet was very spotty. This was the only successful attempt out of four attempts. YouTube @4k: No result - Results similar to Steam at 16 and 80 Mbps - internet was useless during this time, but the video played without issue. So, as a gamer, I use Steam a lot. What's nice is that while downloading a game, I can specify the speed and monitor it (I was downloading Horizon Zero Dawn). As you can see, simply using 8 Mbps had an average of an almost 30 Mbps drop in speed! Using Steam at 12 Mbps, almost a 60 Mbps drop in speed!. Using Steam at 16 Mbps, out of six attempts, all but one timed out and I got 52 Mbps, otherwise the internet was completely useless in the rest of the house hold. Using Steam at 80 Mbps (almost all my bandwidth) there was literally no access to anything on any device connected to the network. Here's the thing though, at 8, 12, 16, and 80 Mbps - Steam was downloading at these speeds without hiccup. So, at 16 Mbps, I was downloading a game at the full 16 Mbps, but the rest of the household was dead in the water and it would return to my baseline average when I pause the download. This tells me it's not a general issue of spotty or slow service. YouTube had similar results. YouTube was recommending 720p based on my connection, which uses very little bandwidth and the results here showed that. 1080p, while no major loss in speeds, YouTube was definitely not playing the video at 1080p, but it was close (and may have just been the video). YouTube at 1440p on the other hand, the video looked good, played without buffering, but I was only able to get one test out of multiple attempts, which did hit 86 Mbps, but the rest of the home was also dead in the water in terms of connection. YouTube at 4k, again, like Steam at 80 Mbps, it was playing the video fine, not buffering, but otherwise the internet was complete useless for the rest of the household. I ran a test with Netflix and had no issues. I assume this is because Netflix pay ISPs so they can get priority, so I assume this is why there isn't any throttling issues there. I did a second series of tests using a VPN. Using a VPN, my connection is encrypted, so Cox cannot see what service I specifically connecting to. Typically VPNs are going to be slower, but I pay for a good VPN service, so my speeds are pretty good with it. Dramatic differences. No usage: 89 Mbps down on average Steam @8 Mbps: 84 Mbps down on average Steam @12 Mbps: 78 Mbps down on average Steam @16 Mbps: 77 Mbps down on average Steam @80 Mbps: 22 Mbps down on average YouTube @720p: 89 Mbps down on average YouTube @1080p: 87 Mbps down on average YouTube @1440p: 87 Mbps down on average - YouTube was recommending this quality based on my connection YouTube @4k: 80 Mbps down The drops were marginal running Steam at 8, 12, and 16 Mbps and even running it at 80 Mbps, I was getting a constant and stable connection, and the rest of the household didn't come to a full stop. YouTube was recommending a 1440p quality automatically, not 720p and as you can see. Even with a 4k video, I was experiencing a marginal drop in download speed. My suspicions is that Cox is basically saying "If you want to use this high bandwidth service, you need to trade off the rest of your bandwidth" basically forcing you to only really do one thing at a time. This is an issue, with everyone home during COVID, for me to successfully work at home, I basically have to tell everyone to not use the internet, because if the wife decides to watch a YouTube video, it makes work difficult. I'm forced to use my VPN so Cox doesn't know where I'm connecting to and won't throttle my speeds. There was a series of news articles of a power user in my area that was being throttled back in June. I have contacted all of those journalists with this information. Trying to get a hold of Cox has been difficult since COVID and it appears they did away with the web chat (which is easier for me during working hours).7.1KViews2likes7CommentsCant connect to wifi hotspot
I have 5 bars of signal to the wifi hostpot and use it very often my nabors home wifi went out then when the home wifi was back up I could not connect to the cox hotspot and it has been 2 days it just says failed to get Ip adress across 3 devices I have forgot the network and tried getting closer even though I have full signal I just cant connect3.4KViews0likes2CommentsCox in Fountain Hills, AZ Help please
If you asked me 6 months ago if my internet was good, I would laugh but not complain. But now... Yeah.... Can someone please toss some advice my way so I can maybe play some League of Legends please? The packet loss/desync is so bad that its actually unplayable. Its been ongoing for at least 3 months, but now its just unplayable. Here is a response from the upper branch from Riot Support. Not sure if im allowed to post his information so I removed it. Here is a tracert I just did. Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops 1 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 2 11 ms 9 ms 9 ms 3 12 ms 11 ms 10 ms 4 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms 5 67 ms 57 ms 57 ms [] 6 64 ms 63 ms 63 ms [] 7 * * * Request timed out. 8 * * * Request timed out. 9 * * * Request timed out. 10 * * * Request timed out. 11 * * * Request timed out. 12 * * * Request timed out. 13 * * * Request timed out. 14 * * * Request timed out. 15 * * * Request timed out. 16 * * * Request timed out. 17 * * * Request timed out. 18 * * * Request timed out. 19 * * * Request timed out. 20 * * * Request timed out. 21 * * * Request timed out. 22 * * * Request timed out. 23 * * * Request timed out. 24 * * * Request timed out. 25 * * * Request timed out. 26 * * * Request timed out. 27 * * * Request timed out. 28 * * * Request timed out. 29 * * * Request timed out. 30 * * * Request timed out. Pathping: Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops 0 dfsgsdfg [fsdgdfgs] 1 2 3 4 5 [] 6 [] 7 * * * Computing statistics for 150 seconds... Source to Here This Node/Link Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address 0 dsfgsdfg [dsfgsdfg] 0/ 100 = 0% | 1 1ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% | 2 9ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% | 3 9ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% | 4 11ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% | 5 --- 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% [] 0/ 100 = 0% | 6 64ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% [] Any advice OR FIX is welcomed.2.2KViews0likes2CommentsDisappointing Service
Just connected the INTERNET with the help of technical support, worked well but for ONLY 5 minutes. When I called again they couldn't help and said they have made an appointment for technical personnel to visit to my address, and there will be some charges. I am sorry this is bad start and very tricky. If you cant provide the service then I dont need it. I am not ready to pay anything extra.840Views0likes1CommentCan Cox open up new accounts under your name, expect you to pay the bill, then send it to a bill collectior even though you had no knowledge or gave your authorization to open up these (2) new accounts?
I have have Cox services for probably 10 yrs now & until I moved only one block away at the beginning of this year, 2018, I had never an issue with them, nor have they ever had an issue with me. I have always paid my bills & in fact I did not have to pay Cox any kind of deposit when I had my services hooked up in my name. After I moved the second week of January, I finally contacted Cox towards the middle of February because I still had not received my first bill from them since moving. The services I had before moving was just basic television (like 25 channels, No premium channels) & their Preferred Internet (1 step higher than their basic internet). This was my services I had paid for over a year. When I moved, this was the only services I asked to be transferred to my new home address. When I finally did contact Cox because I had not received a bill yet & the online bill paying was showing my balance as $0, I knew by the time they would get around to finally billing me, the bill would be extremely high. So at the middle of February after I contacted Cox, I find out that instead just transferring the same services I had for almost a year & a half, which was basic TV & Preferred internet... Cox decided to give me every single channel available including every Premium channel (every movie channel available), about 400 channels total. When I contacted Cox at the middle of February, again I said just basic TV, No Premium channels & the Preferred internet. I also asked the total amount my bill was. I knew it would be more for the disconnection & hook up fees. But I went from paying first around $65 per month, then after a year my bill jumps up $97 per month. They said it was because I could no longer could get it at their sale price because I've had the service for over a year now. But the after I moved only one block away, wanting the exact same serve, my bill jumps to over $157 per month, a $60.00 increase. So by the time I did contact Cox at the middle of February, my bill was well over $320.00 + some. Repeatedly I asked if I paid this bill all at once I should receive regular month bills & this was for all the hook up fees, the disconnection fees & any old bills unpaid from both the new address & the old address. Repeatedly I was told yes & told that after paying this lump sum my monthly bill would be around $157.00 per month. That was a $60.00 increase for only moving one block. So I went ahead & paid Cox the lump sum of $322.60 to be exact. My total bill from the old & the new address, for part January (January 15th was when it was suppose to be shut off at the old address & hooked back up at the new address) & up until only the 15th of February, so services rendered was only one month exactly. Towards the end of March, Cox was still sending me a bill for the old address for over $200.00. So I got in touch with Cox again to tell them that this bill had been paid. This is when I was informed that Cox had opened up 3 seperate account under my name. That the lump some of $322.60 had only paid only one of those accounts. Even though I only moved one block from my old address to the new address, because of that I now have 3 seperate accounts for the exact same service. When I asked who authorized these 2 extra accounts, Cox tried to tell me I authorized it. I had only authorize services be shut off January 15th & turn on at the new address the same day. So if I only paid on one account, why was my bill $322.60 for one month of service. Disconnection fee & turn on fee = $165.60 + one month of service $157.00 = total of $322.60. Really? To flip a switch off & then on again costs more then the actual bill... $165.60 There would be nobody who has a brain in their body would agree to this. That $165.60 was intended to pay disconnection fee, hook up fee & any remaining bill from the old address (which I know I paid completely off back in December, prior to moving in January) I told Cox to shut down all services (2 accounts) that were not authorized by me. I also shut down my TV service & returned all equipment, in the original boxes that belonged to Cox (that I had personally installed at the new address). I still don't understand how just transfering my services only one block away resulted into at $60.00 increase monthly, 3 seperate accounts with 3 seperate account numbers & now Cox has placed bad credit on my name because they say I didn't pay them over $200.00 on an account, I did not authorize or had any knowledge of existing. So how can I get this off my credit history? When I paid that lump sum of $322.60 thar total amount I was told completed all, the transfer, disconnect fee, connect fee & all the bill s combined. But now Cox is saying I have to pay them twice? Why? I want this off my credit as quick as possible. I also can not afford to pay them twice for one bill. Why should I have to? This was their mistake. The sent this delinquent bill to a collection agency. A bill I was told that was paid in full. A bill that had been opened up with a new account without my knowledge, consent, authorization or signature. A bill the happen to just make up. A bill that was of services for an empty house. If I could get a better internet provider, I would love to shut down all my services I currently have with Cox. And before all of this I had service with Cox a few other times. I paid my mothers bills she had with Cox the last 2 yrs she was alive. I WAS a loyal Cox customer. How can it be legal for them to open up new accounts without you knowing & then send it to bill collectors when it isn't paid? Of course the bill wasn't paid, I had no knowledge it existed until I got a letter from the bill collectors informing about this. I want it off my credit history. I want them to at least admit their mistake & I want this to go away. Is there anyway I can sue Cox because of this?6.3KViews0likes6CommentsPanoramic WiFi signal lost
so we had Panoramic so if for about three months and we had to many issue. Almost every other weekend our singal for both 2.4 and 5g can’t connect to a single device around the house. Trying to reset through with an operator couple times and they couldn’t connect. They recommend us that it was a equipment issue and to go return it. We did and we still have the issue. A cox contractor and fixed for a while. Yet agian we are having issue with our wifif.1.2KViews0likes2CommentsRepeat Connection Drops
When using WiFi my connection drops for about 30-40 seconds and then reconnects this happens about every 30 minutes. When plugged directly to the modem there is no loss of connection. My modem is a cox modem, my router is new. I have the highest speed available. I teach online and the multiple disconnecting is causing me to evaluate other providers. Has anyone had any success in solving this issue?783Views0likes1CommentWhy can't Cox Fix My Internet
Ever since I moved into this house years ago, I have had intermittent connection issues. Multiple service reps have been out here to "diagnose" my connection, but no one can ever seem to pinpoint the cause of my connection. I have recently cut everything but internet (because we know Cox is a monopoly in this service), and I continue to have connection issues. It's only the UPLOAD I have issues with. I pay for: 100 Mbps DOWN, 10 Mbps UP. My last test I received: 86.33 Mbps DOWN, 0.00 UP, with a 44% packet loss (29 ms latency, which is acceptable). It has always been an issue with my UPSTREAM connection. Multiple modems being used, no change. When performing this test, I always disconnect from the router and connect straight into the modem so we can ensure the router is not causing the issue. I have used Cox's provided routers with the same issue, but currently I am using a retail router. I am so tired of paying so much money to get so little back. I would just like to get a working internet connection Edit: I would like to mention this issue is sporadic. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can run a test with a normal range then come back in 5 minutes and I get the above. 20 minutes later it may work again if I am lucky, but if it does, then I can expect it to go down within another 10-20 minutes. No consistency, which is what makes diagnosing my issue such a problem.1.8KViews0likes2Comments