Forum Discussion
I'm now required to sign-in to each individual Topic (TV, Internet, Phone, Apps) before I can respond/insert to any posting within.
ekhawaii, as you know, you can view forum comments without providing authentication, but you have to sign in to the forums with your Cox credentials to post comments. However, you don't have to join any of the individual forums to do so. You can post replies without joining any individual forum. You just can't insert an image into a comment until you join the forum in which the comment is posted. It's kind of weird. I doubt it was intended to work that way.
Question: Is there anybody who can post images who didn't join the forum in which the comment is located?
- ekhawaii6 years agoContributor
CurtB....I agree with your posted observation above. This "joining the individual forums" item only started happening for me on the Xmas Day. I'm guessing for you too. Your question "Is there anybody who can post images who didn't join the forum in which the comment is located" ....well we know that many other posters had no problem in the past....unless they also had to "join" and we were not informed. I think WiderM was the only one to reply post any comment, and he had no problem. Would be nice to here from WiderM if this is so, or he now has to log on. Very strange that there has not been other users making comments on this subject.
I also did see that when you now "join", even if you plan not to insert images.....that a different view of the topic appears. Under the lightning bolt, selecting the "you are now a member" shows a slightly different display than when you just select the 1 + 4 topics at the top or a specific entry under this Bolt. I even see when someone joined into one of the topic columns....
But hey, Cox will not provide a dialogue so we must rely on observations from the user community!
- CurtB6 years agoHonored Contributor
ekhawaii, WiderMouthOpen is a member of the TV and Internet forums and he didn't join them anytime recently. (I hope you don't mind that I looked at your profile, WiderM). I don't think the ability to post images is a regional thing and I don't think any changes were made Christmas Day. I think all we had to do to be able to post images all along was just join the forums. I'm not sure if the "click to join" has been at the bottom of the screen this whole time, but I suspect it was. I never joined the forums because it isn't required for posting comments.
- ekhawaii6 years agoContributor
Thanks's hard to realize the both of us were blind to that Join notice on the bottom for as long as we have been discussing this well as sending emails to Cox over the last 2mo. Only on Xmas day did I receive a comment from Cox in my posted forum link about item on the bottom....then they closed the blog. I like to try things and would definitely have tried that. Unfortunately, we have had practically Zero users even commenting here and there about this. We have seen in many other blogs lots of image posting...even Bruce today saying he had issues and had to find an internet URL approach....but I see users with PingPlot, modem results, cmd line Tracert and Ping, and a whole bunch more....but no responses back from any other people out there. Either as you said, it was always there and users always used it....Since Cox themselves won't expand the commentary, all we can do is speculate and make wild guesses. SAD!
Sure learned a lot today, Happy Holidays...
- ekhawaii6 years agoContributor
CurtB...thanks you show back in 10/26/19 that Join Request was already on the bottom....I guess I never paid attention. I do now notice that after Joining, you stay Joined even if you log off the PC and exit the Forum. I'm guessing if this Join was always there, that users Joined once and never had to repeat....thus they all could Insert Images. Would have been nice if others out there could have informed you and I....even Cox. Seems like the only way to Unsubscribe is to go to your Profile/setting/Subscriptions... It's sure a good feeling to finally close out this subject. Wish others would have jumped into the earlier conversations
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