Forum Discussion

drbill28's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Gigablast - Signal becomes poor at night

I have Gigablast and I've talked to Cox and all they could say at the time was call modem mfg.  I have been experiencing very slow speeds 80Mb down, but normal upload speeds, only at night.  I looked at the signal information from the modem and it was very poor and lots of drops.  I verified this on a spare modem I have.  However, watching it this morning, the signal is improving and the speed slowly comes back as the sun comes up, I went from 80Mb, to 120, 240, 342, 537 and it keeps slowly creeping up.I still get a lot of corrected codewords listed but uncorrected ones slow down.  The signal to the modem slowly starts falling into normal.  Any idea what this could be?

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hello, are you on WiFi or are you on a hard-wired connection when experiencing slow speeds? Are you gaming, streaming content, or surfing the web when this happens? I am including additional information on ways to achieve Gigablast speeds, and also understanding speed test results:

    At this time, your modem levels appear to be within the normal specifications. As far as why this is occurring only at night, there are variety of factors beyond Cox’s control that can affect the actual speeds. Please make sure all connections are tightly secured and free of damage. This includes any splitters, amplifiers, or boosters you may have in the home. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • drbill28's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hard wired, it would happen even when connected directly to the modem.  It was a very cold night and literally the speed went back to normal and signals improved as the sun came up. I went from 80Mb to 800Mb with no action.  It has happened several times.  I've had water at the termination point at the pole. Could be the same.  It's definitely not on my side.

      • KevinM2's avatar
        Former Moderator
        It may be best to send out a service technician to your home and have this investigated further. If you're interested in having a technician go out to your home, please email us at -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator