Forum Discussion

it_tech_az's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Future Internet Tiers

Does Cox plan on offering tiers above 1Gbps in the future (or is it at least on the radar)?

I noticed that my new DOCSIS 3.1 modem and SOHO router both support connections up to 2.5Gbps, and it would be pretty cool to have multi-gigabit service. Honestly, I don't know how useful it'd be for me... but I'd still pay for it. 🙂 I mean, 2.5Gbps is like 2.5 times 1Gbps!

2 Replies

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  • BenS1's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi @It_tech_az

    That is a great question. At this time we do not have any information on any new speed tiers above Gigablast. You can always check the 'Customer Information' section on your bill for updates on new products and services.

    Ben S.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • it_tech_az's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks Ben. I've got more dollars than sense (heh) and would love to see multi-gig some day.