My internet was off and on at random times and random lengths. It was not possible to use the internet for ANYTHING, Apple TV , email etc. . A pair of technicians came out and spent 3 hours trying to restore internet . They were unsuccessful and said they would follow through. I should get a text or call from customer service. Nothing. They just ignored me. The same thing happened 2 more times. My AV guys said they couldn’t help because it wasn’t legal to mess with the lines outside the house. I tried again and a technician named FADI explained that the problem was at the box outside itself. He called me back and said he initiated a “ticket” and if issue wasn’t resolved in 5 days to let him know. 2 days later we were up and running again. Without Fadi I probably would still be down without internet. My question is, how does Cox allow these technicians to get away with being not only inept but not even caring whether the customer has internet or not. THANK YOU FADI !!
Yes. Once the last technician put in a work order to repair the box outside, our internet is back.