Got a data limit warning text just now so I went to check my usage, and I think it's strange that we use over 30gigs almost everyday. I know of 2 separate days which we both used 140+gig to download the new Rockstar release Red Dead Redemption 2. One of those days says we used 340+gig that is shocking and would make more sense if we both purchased the game on that day.
Is there anyway of checking these data usages to make sure they originate from us, because I don't understand how we could possibly use 30+ gig nearly everyday. Could this be causing us the issue with upload speeds dropping during streaming (to Twitch)? And finally is streaming(upload) causing the usage data to be so high?
Note* when I say streaming I do not mean streaming music/video, I mean uploading to a streaming service such as Twitch/Youtube (upload)