Forum Discussion
First, I assume you have the Panoramic gateway? If so, have you thought to upgrade to your own router that has bandwidth tracking so you can fact check Cox? You sound technical enough to make use of your own network. Overall, I have seen many posts about recent spikes in the bandwidth meter but so far no conclusions. No one has yet done a direct comparison between their own meter and Cox.
I just enabled my RAXE 300 traffic meter, my bill resets on midnight of the 15th, I am set to reset on that date, so NEXT month, I will be able to give you a good monthly, since we have 5 more days, after today I can check daily accuracy and give you more info.
- WiderMouthOpen2 years agoEsteemed Contributor II
Thanks. Mostly curious what the "other" data set is. Does your meter break down what services/apps are using the bandwidth? I think it has something to do with uncorrectables bloating the bandwidth.
- Darkatt2 years agoHonored Contributor
My router doesn't break it down, but I can certainly compare totals and see how close they are.
- Darkatt2 years agoHonored Contributor
Ok, yesterday data usage, Cox measured 109 GB, my router showed 110.52GB. Which means my router actually measured a bit more than Cox did, BUT, that may simply be the start/end time, if my router isn't exactly in time with Cox, then it won't be precise, but currently it's close. I am going to watch it for a few more days, then I will set it for a Month-Month measurement to see how close Cox and my Router is for a 30 day cycle.
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