6 years agoContributor II
Data Caps
Why does cox make you pay for unlimited data, I just bought COD MW and its a 164gb game, that is like 4 days of data gone in one day, I know all the other providers don't have data caps, but why does...
if you pay a premium shouldn't you be able to download as much as you want
nope, isp's & cell providers figured out a long time ago how some folks abuse the system.
I have the ultimate package, I pay 220$ for my internet and phone and tv, I would expect to be able to download what I want, but cox just trys to get the most amount of money from you by making you pay for unlimited
and explain how people would abuse it.
is it not your right to download whatever you want when you want when you pay for it? that is like saying the state putting a law in place to where you cant drive more than 5 miles a day in a car you paid for and gas you paid for.
if you paid for it you should use it as you want without being limited, that is my opinion and many others will agree, you pay more you shouldn't be limited by data caps, its a scam.
But what about those of us who don’t and wouldn’t abuse it? I understand it’s a business and they will ALWAYS be more concerned with the bottom line and shareholders than customers. But, when we pay for a certain amount of data gigs, we should get to keep what wasn’t used and have it rolled over to the next month. I get 1024 gigs a month but have never used that much or even half of it, until twice this year. Had guests from Seattle and then NYC, and went over my cap. I later found out that I was supposed to get an email alert before going over 1024GB. Which is the only reason the extra charges were waived. Last month used less than 50GB, but there’ll be no credit made to my account or a transfer of the unused amount to this month. I was lucky that Cox screwed up with the email alert, but the truth is that I wouldn’t have seen it in time if it had been sent. I was on vacation from work and entertaining guests while dealing with my mom’s recovery from a broken leg. So, now I can add “Cox always waiting to nail me” to the list of things on my mind every month.
it sounds like your guests were more interested in being online than being guests!!