Forum Discussion

Sieyes77's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

COX Gigablast wtih CM1000v2

Yesterday I bought a CM1000 and upgraded to COX Gigablast 1GB. As of this morning I am not getting anywhere near 1GB download speeds. I've contacted COX twice and both times they just had me do the standard unplug/plugin. They said they verified on their end that I'm getting 1GB so the issue must be my device. I contacted Netgear tech support and they essentially had me do a hard reset of the modem. This helped a little but speeds are still nowhere near 1GB. According to the speed test through COX's website, my download speed is barely holding between 300-400gbps. According to, I'm between 400-500gbps. I have the modem directly wired to my PC, no router or other devices connected. I've attached the modem connection info. 


Does anyone have any idea as to why the speed is so slow? Has anyone else who uses COX had a similar issue they were able to resolve?

      • Sieyes77's avatar
        New Contributor

        Thank you for replying but none of the information you provided had any impact on the speed. Internet is still struggling to run at 300mbps consistently. There has to be some other issue other than the modem and/or my devices which is what the tech support rep. decided the problem was when rebooting the modem didn't work. 

  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    is the cm1000 added to the panoramic modem/router??

    • Sieyes77's avatar
      New Contributor

      No, I do not have the panoramic modem/router.

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        i'm guessing that providing your own modem is the problem.

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      The Netgear CM1000v2 is approved.  It's not a router.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    How many splitters do you have and what are their conditions?  Check behind your wall plate for any squirreled away spitters.  If you do have splitters, which output(s) on the splitter is connected to your CM?

    Your signals appear within specs.  Power on channels 1-20 seem kinda high compared to the tighter levels on 21-32.  It's just a comparison of Good vs Best.

    • Sieyes77's avatar
      New Contributor

      I removed the wall plate and the cable line feeds into a plastic box that I cannot remove. Without being able to remove that box, I'm unable to see how exactly the cable is ran. However, you mentioned something that may be on the right track. I notice that my PC says I'm on a network labeled, "network 3." When i spoke with the tech support person, they said everything looked good on "network 1." Does this mean anything? If so, can Cox change the network they send the signal to or does this have to be done manually by a technician?

      • KevinM2's avatar
        Former Moderator
        @Sieyes77, I'm not certain what the technician was referring to when they mentioned "Network 1." We won't be able to alter the network, but if you would like to set up a service appointment, please feel free to email us at -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
  • Zurq's avatar
    Contributor II

    cox's node cannot support those speeds, this has been proven countless times and paying for gigablast is just a waste I suggest downgrading to the 300 Ultimate.

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      A few contributors have reported gigabit speeds.  Their questions were about other things Internet...such as pinging.

      • Zurq's avatar
        Contributor II

        I wish cox was not bad sometimes.