Forum Discussion

Lrobbins1117's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Cancer, Covid and Early Termination Fee - Need Help

I have been battling stage 4 cancer and along with covid have not been able to work.  I contacted Cox to remove all services except for internet because I could not afford cable.  I asked if they would waive the early termination fee which they refused to do.  So now I can never seem to catch up on my bill and it's so frustrating.  Has anyone had any luck in get Cox to waive the early termination fee due to disability?

  • ChesapeakeChris's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Call Cox and ask for their "Retention Team". That is where you want to ask for financial relief, in fact that is their sole job to retain customers by reducing recurring bills/eliminating fixed costs. Give it a try and best wishes... 

  • MaryF's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi Lrobbins1117,

    We would be glad to look into your issue. Please send us an email to with your full name, account holder's name, street address, and a link to your forum post or details of your issue.

    Cox Support Forums Moderator