Arris TM3402A Modem disconnection issue last 3 days
The last 3 days when I wake up at 7 AM I notice on my TP LInk router one of the icons are orange they are always Green.. My wifi is out and my wired PC has no connection However the Arris modem TM 3402A HW_ REV:7 All the modem lights are lit green and the phone over IP with cox works!!! This just started 3 days ago each morning and today as well even at 130PM here today it knocked out I had to reboot the modem and sometimes 2 or 3 times before it get back online--Then it stays strong til the AM hours! Speed test shows 300 Down Ping 8 ms wiires all good I even bypassed the router and it took me a few trys to get internet to my hard wired computer had to reboot modem 3 times! Each time however the green modem lights were on no errors but no internet only phone!! Any ideas? Thank you for any help! Its running now 100% but come morning its out!