8 days this incompetent company still cannot fix internet network outage- Sand Springs OK
Cox started out Lying stating it would be fixed by 1:01AM, they did that 3 days in a row, now they just say it will be fixed SOON.
It has been 8+ days without service and nobody at the company seems to have a clue what is going on. I am sick and tired of their excuses and lies and apologies!
My kids can't do their homework, I cannot work, I have a sick kid at home, forget about him going stir crazy, I cant even go to my office with him home and thus this outage is costing me lost days of work as well..!!!
Hot spots are not just slow, they run out of data! - and I cant upgrade my cell data plan temporarily without losing my grandfathered in plan permanently. Cox says they will compensate for # days down.. Big Fvckn laddee-dah!!! $2 day is not worth the thousands I am losing over this!!! and they insult me with a $2/day credit offer!? WTF!?!?
I have contacted them 3 times and nobody seems to know what is wrong or when it will be fixed. Total incompetence and negligence on their end!
AT&T just installed fiber on my block and are offering a better plan, cheaper with no equipment costs, I am about to switch to them, never had issues with AT&T in the past, I wish they had service here when I first moved, so glad they are an option now because Cox has a bunch of Morons working on this problem!