5 months agoNew Contributor
Is there any option for voicemail on a pixel 8 phone other than dialing *86 and checking it through the audible prompts? I used to get voicemails listed in the phone app but now I lost that feature....
Hello bkaufx and pcampbell ,
We may need to investigate this issue you’re facing with readable voicemail option tab missing on the Google Pixel 8 device. If these steps below do not help, then we need more details to investigate further.
On the Google Pixel 8 device, could you try these steps to see if Visual Voicemail is turned on?
Once Visual Voicemail is set to on, does the Voicemail icon now appear on the menu bar after you tap the Phone App?
If not, then could you email us at Cox.Help@cox.com with your name, complete address, the current Android version on your device, and include an attachment of what your Google Pixel 8 device shows after clicking the Phone App Icon?
From the initial message from pcampbell, the Google Pixel 8 device is missing the tab at the bottom; but was this always missing since you’ve had the Google Pixel device?
bkaufx, You said you used to get voicemails listed on the phone app but now you lost that feature. When do you recall that feature went missing, and was it once available with your device on Cox Mobile?