Ridiculously Slow Upload Speeds
This problem has been a consistent issue. I am a designer and video producer and I work from my home studio a lot. So this issue is crushing my ability to work from home. On the best day, my upload speeds range between 10 -13 MBS That is the "BEST" offered. over the last year intermittently I get upload speeds from literally 0.0 MBS to 0.3 MBS. The fact that it kicks on and goes the advertised 13.0 for several days and then crashes to the slow speeds does not suggest hardware issues. This situation has become unbearable I mean honestly I would just drop this service in lew of a better alternative but Cox is the only option available to me at this location. Every time I talk with them they want to upgrade my service which I did once and NOTHING improved. I refuse to throw more money for upgrades when they can not even manage to produce the minimal standards they are already supposed to be delivering. If anyone has a suggestion please help me. This is actually hurting my business.2.1KViews1like2CommentsHigh latency and low upload speed
Hello, For the past several weeks and especially the past few days I have been having high pings and low upload speeds when running speed tests. I have had multiple technicians to my house, purchased a brand new modem, and have even had the line from my house to the street replaced and still have the same issue. My PC is connected to a switch via ethernet. That switch is connected to my router via ethernet. That router is connected to my modem via ethernet. Ping tests from my PC to my router are 1 ms. Ping tests from my PC to the modem are 1-2 ms. Ping tests to the first hop after my modem are 400-500 ms. The IP address of the first hop after my modem is which is a private IP I assume Cox owns. This occurs even after the line that goes from my house to the tap was replaced. What more can I do to have Cox fix this? I have already emailed their support address. I am posting from Las Vegas.852Views0likes0CommentsUpload Intermittently Slows to a Crawl for Gigablast
Hello, The Gigablast internet service I have hasn't been working well lately at all. The download is fine, but the upload has been slowing to a crawl at times. It's getting to the point where there are periods I cannot work. This has been going on for a couple weeks too. Yesterday morning (10/5) I couldn't get it to upload faster than 0.1~0.2Mbps. Then around 10:00 am the regular 35 Mbps speed resumed. I called support a couple times and was told I do have some packet loss, but everything else looked fine. Everything came back to normal after a few hours. Today (10/6) everything has been fine until this evening, and it seems like only partial content loads on web pages and the upload is slightly faster at 1.1 Mbps. It happens though wired, wifi, and direct connect to a PC connection to the modem. Would congestion have it so wildly change like that? https://imgur.com/99cElo2 I ran a tracert and I seem to be getting some packet loss or slowdown. This is going to cox.net. https://imgur.com/nRvb9Wo I have a Motorola MB8611 and no events are showing up in this timeframe. I just find it odd that the download works perfectly fine and only the upload is affected. Here is the connection data from the modem: Startup Sequence Startup Step Status Comment Acquire Downstream Channel 903000000 Hz Locked Upstream Connection OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Configuration File OK Security Enabled BPI+ Connection Status System Up Time 1 days 13h:29m:45s Network Access Allowed Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Freq. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV) SNR (dB) Corrected Uncorrected 1 Locked QAM256 21 903.0 -2.8 37.3 2 0 2 Locked QAM256 15 867.0 -2.7 37.6 1 0 3 Locked QAM256 17 879.0 -2.1 37.9 1 0 4 Locked QAM256 18 885.0 -2.1 37.6 1 0 5 Locked QAM256 19 891.0 -1.8 37.9 4 0 6 Locked QAM256 20 897.0 -2.4 37.6 9 0 7 Locked QAM256 22 909.0 -2.8 37.3 5 0 8 Locked QAM256 24 921.0 -3.0 37.2 7 0 9 Locked QAM256 25 927.0 -2.6 37.5 5 0 10 Locked QAM256 26 933.0 -3.0 37.1 7 0 11 Locked QAM256 27 939.0 -3.1 37.0 10 0 12 Locked QAM256 28 945.0 -3.2 36.9 4 0 13 Locked QAM256 29 951.0 -3.6 36.7 23 0 14 Locked QAM256 30 957.0 -4.1 36.3 33 0 15 Locked QAM256 31 963.0 -3.8 36.4 27 0 16 Locked QAM256 32 969.0 -4.0 36.1 42 0 17 Locked QAM256 33 357.0 4.7 41.3 0 0 18 Locked QAM256 34 363.0 4.7 41.6 0 0 19 Locked QAM256 35 369.0 4.7 41.7 0 0 20 Locked QAM256 36 375.0 4.5 41.7 0 0 21 Locked QAM256 37 381.0 4.5 41.6 0 0 22 Locked QAM256 38 387.0 4.4 41.7 0 0 23 Locked QAM256 39 393.0 4.3 41.6 0 0 24 Locked QAM256 40 399.0 4.5 41.8 0 0 25 Locked QAM256 41 405.0 4.7 42.0 0 0 26 Locked QAM256 42 411.0 4.6 41.9 0 0 27 Locked QAM256 43 417.0 4.6 41.9 0 0 28 Locked QAM256 44 423.0 4.7 42.0 0 0 29 Locked QAM256 45 429.0 4.5 42.0 0 0 30 Locked QAM256 46 435.0 4.2 41.9 0 0 31 Locked QAM256 47 441.0 4.2 42.0 0 0 32 Locked QAM256 48 447.0 4.2 41.9 11 29 33 Locked OFDM PLC 159 300.0 8.7 41.1 -243327648 0 Upstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Channel Type Channel ID Symb. Rate (Ksym/sec) Freq. (MHz) Pwr (dBmV) 1 Locked SC-QAM 1 5120 36.9 31.8 2 Locked SC-QAM 2 5120 30.5 32.3 3 Locked SC-QAM 3 5120 24.1 30.8 4 Locked SC-QAM 4 5120 17.7 29.5 5 Locked SC-QAM 6 2560 12.9 27.8 Should I call and have a tech come out? I never called support back the 2nd time because it came back.444Views0likes1CommentGigablast upload regularly dropping to 1.23Mbps, downloads range from 25Mbps up to 600Mbps. 10-15% packet loss off and on
I've been having intermittent problems over a year with packet loss and speeds. I was also having lots of uncorrectables but a tech came out last year, said they found something upstream and improved the situation. Still some packet loss and uncorrectables but not as bad. I was of course still charged the repair fee despite it being their issue and had to call to get that removed. Although the situation was better it was still fairly bad so I bought a new cable modem, the Netgear CM1000, which somewhat improved the situation further, with reduced packet loss and uncorrectables. It's still not perfect like it used to be for 10 years up until a year ago. A few weeks ago speeds began intermittently dropping to trash. Packet loss slightly increased. Occassionally I see massive spikes of uncorrectables but not often. Sometimes it's slow download, sometimes slow upload, sometimes both. Sometimes speeds are okay besides packet loss. As I write this I'm getting 445Mbps down, 1.23Mbps up. On Gigablast ("up to" 940Mbps down, 35Mbps up). Earlier in the day I was getting about 100Mbps down but 31Mbps up until afternoon. Here's my cable modem about 30min after rebooting it to see if that helped (it did not). Starting Frequency 807000000 <tabindex=-1>Startup Procedure Procedure Status Comment Acquire Downstream Channel 807000000 Hz Locked Connectivity State OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Security Enable BPI+ IP Provisioning Mode Honor MDD IPv4 only <tabindex=-1>Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR / MER Unerrored Codewords Correctable Codewords Uncorrectable Codewords 1 Locked QAM256 5 807000000 Hz 10.3 dBmV 42.3 dB 43795095 0 0 2 Locked QAM256 1 783000000 Hz 10.2 dBmV 42.2 dB 42856679 0 0 3 Locked QAM256 2 789000000 Hz 10.3 dBmV 42.3 dB 42860118 0 0 4 Locked QAM256 3 795000000 Hz 10.2 dBmV 42.3 dB 42863957 0 0 5 Locked QAM256 4 801000000 Hz 10.4 dBmV 42.3 dB 42867903 0 0 6 Locked QAM256 6 813000000 Hz 9.9 dBmV 42.3 dB 42871501 0 0 7 Locked QAM256 7 819000000 Hz 9.8 dBmV 42.1 dB 42874459 0 0 8 Locked QAM256 8 825000000 Hz 9.9 dBmV 42.3 dB 42877908 0 0 9 Locked QAM256 9 831000000 Hz 9.6 dBmV 42.2 dB 42881974 0 0 10 Locked QAM256 10 837000000 Hz 9.4 dBmV 41.9 dB 42886312 1 0 11 Locked QAM256 11 843000000 Hz 9.5 dBmV 42.0 dB 42889577 1 0 12 Locked QAM256 12 849000000 Hz 9.0 dBmV 41.8 dB 42893432 1 0 13 Locked QAM256 13 855000000 Hz 9.1 dBmV 41.8 dB 42897404 2 0 14 Locked QAM256 14 861000000 Hz 8.8 dBmV 41.6 dB 42900918 0 0 15 Locked QAM256 15 867000000 Hz 8.9 dBmV 41.6 dB 42904748 1 0 16 Locked QAM256 16 873000000 Hz 8.7 dBmV 41.6 dB 42907873 2 0 17 Locked QAM256 17 879000000 Hz 8.7 dBmV 41.6 dB 42911948 0 0 18 Locked QAM256 18 885000000 Hz 8.5 dBmV 41.6 dB 42915786 1 0 19 Locked QAM256 19 891000000 Hz 8.7 dBmV 41.7 dB 42919495 2 0 20 Locked QAM256 20 897000000 Hz 8.5 dBmV 41.6 dB 42923184 0 0 21 Locked QAM256 21 903000000 Hz 8.6 dBmV 41.5 dB 42926803 0 0 22 Locked QAM256 22 909000000 Hz 8.8 dBmV 41.6 dB 42930744 1 0 23 Locked QAM256 23 915000000 Hz 8.4 dBmV 41.5 dB 42934609 0 0 24 Locked QAM256 24 921000000 Hz 8.1 dBmV 41.4 dB 42938158 0 0 25 Locked QAM256 25 927000000 Hz 8.3 dBmV 41.4 dB 42941820 0 0 26 Locked QAM256 26 933000000 Hz 8.4 dBmV 41.4 dB 42945655 0 0 27 Locked QAM256 27 939000000 Hz 8.0 dBmV 41.2 dB 42949194 0 0 28 Locked QAM256 28 945000000 Hz 7.9 dBmV 41.2 dB 42952898 0 0 29 Locked QAM256 29 951000000 Hz 7.8 dBmV 41.0 dB 42956043 0 0 30 Locked QAM256 30 957000000 Hz 7.5 dBmV 40.8 dB 42960068 0 0 31 Locked QAM256 31 963000000 Hz 7.4 dBmV 40.9 dB 42962045 0 0 32 Locked QAM256 32 969000000 Hz 7.5 dBmV 40.8 dB 42961901 0 0 <tabindex=-1>Upstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power 1 Locked ATDMA 1 19300000 Hz 37.8 dBmV 2 Locked ATDMA 2 25800000 Hz 37.3 dBmV 3 Locked ATDMA 3 32200000 Hz 36.5 dBmV 4 Locked ATDMA 4 38600000 Hz 37.3 dBmV 5 Locked ATDMA 6 14500000 Hz 37.3 dBmV 6 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 7 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 8 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV <tabindex=-1>Downstream OFDM Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation / Profile ID Channel ID Frequency Power SNR / MER Active Subcarrier Number Range Unerrored Codewords Correctable Codewords Uncorrectable Codewords 1 Locked 0, 2, 3 159 300000000 Hz 14.1 dBmV 43.5 dB 1108 ~ 2987 53705384 11623916 0 2 Not Locked 0 0 0 Hz 7.8 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 ~ 4095 0 0 0 <tabindex=-1>Upstream OFDMA Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation / Profile ID Channel ID Frequency Power 1 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0 dBmV 2 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0 dBmV Today's logs (replaced MAC addresses with xxx): 2021-04-15, 20:19:42 Warning (5) Dynamic Range Window violation 2021-04-15, 20:19:42 Warning (5) RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=xxx;CMTS-MAC=xxx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2021-04-15, 20:19:42 Warning (5) Dynamic Range Window violation 2021-04-15, 20:19:42 Warning (5) RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=xxx;CMTS-MAC=xxx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2021-04-15, 20:19:42 Warning (5) Dynamic Range Window violation 2021-04-15, 20:19:42 Warning (5) RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=xxx;CMTS-MAC=xxx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2021-04-15, 20:19:41 Warning (5) Dynamic Range Window violation 2021-04-15, 20:19:41 Warning (5) RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power Exceeds Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=xxx;CMTS-MAC=xxx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2021-04-15, 20:19:36 Notice (6) DS profile assignment change. DS Chan ID: 32; Previous Profile: ; New Profile: 2 3.;CM-MAC=xxx;CMTS-MAC=xxx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2021-04-15, 20:19:31 Notice (6) TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=xxx;CMTS-MAC=xxx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2021-04-15, 20:19:31 Warning (5) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response ;CM-MAC=xxx;CMTS-MAC=xxx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Netgear CM1000 Hardware Version 2.02 Firmware Version V6.01.071.4KViews0likes1CommentPacket Loss / Slow Upload speeds
Friends at Cox, I am at a loss. In previous posts and conversations, I have gone to great technical lengths to resolve issues with upload speeds. Now I'm trying to gather some information to see if there's something simple I am missing. From 2013-2017, I streamed (on multiple platforms) in high quality at roughly 4500 bitrate with crystal clarity. I played games with virtually no lag. College courses and their associated virtual labs, no issues. Everything ran perfectly. I generally had a mid-level data plan running in the 100-200 down and 30 up (advertised). After coming back from a 7 month trip I moved down the street and experienced severe packet loss and upload issues. I troubleshooted with Cox reps and coworkers for awhile and never could isolate the issue. I work in networking and work with a range of people with a range of skill sets in networking and couldn't isolate the issue. I swapped out every single piece of hardware from my network card to the modem. Additionally, manipulated every aspect of software from packet manipulation through VPN's that claim to prioritize packets to reduce loss to IP stack manipulators and dozens of YouTube videos that help "fix" the problem. After that, I literally moved across the country from the West Coast to the East Coast and ran into the same problem. Routers, modems, cables and even my entire desktop have been swapped out. All routers / modems are highly capable and expensive and rated for this environment. Every single piece of hardware has been replaced and tested methodically and I STILL experience upload issues and packet loss. Currently, I'm running "Gigablast" internet. Download speeds range from 300-900 Mbps and upload speeds range from 6-25 Mbps but with packet loss when streaming / uploading. If anyone that has been experiencing these issues has found a solution or fix in any capacity I'd love to hear about it or start some dialogue on hardware/software setups and troubleshooting processes involved to see what the issue is.825Views0likes1CommentFluctuating Upload Speeds
Since about a month ago I've been having some terrible issues with my upload speed, here is what it's currently at right now: https://gyazo.com/8f25a6217a981c65a4cf9cfe61365105 My husband streams and has been unable to stay connected because the upload speed drops to literally zero and fluctuates up and down around 0MBs - 3MBs. I have called support, followed all of their instructions and had a technician out who replaced the old cable with a new one, no success. I contacted support via live chat, followed a number of their instructions, to no avail. Contacted live chat again only this time the tech was pushing to sell me faster speeds... I'm already on 150MBs Download 10MBs Upload (which doesn't work) and for some reason he thought upgrading would help and then he rudely ended the live chat session. I purchased a new modem, as I was told my existing modem may not be working correctly, not the case as the issue still persisted. I have removed my router and hardwired into my PC and checked the connection, it was still fluctuating badly. I hardwired into my husbands PC and checked the connection, it remained the same... fluctuating badly. With router connected, I checked connection on devices using WiFi, same issue. Here is whats happening during livestreaming: https://gyazo.com/ab18ea3ad62716424d105d87b8cf6bb2 It's impossible to stay connected. I explained this over and over again to every technician I spoke to, but it's as though they don't understand or like talking to a wall. they give the same instructions and after you're finished if the issue isn't fixed they tell you it's your equipment. How is it my equipment, if I have tested it all over and over again. The strange part of this is, this issue starts at around 12pm and continues on for the rest of the day/night, all morning from around 9am the connection is fine. I want some real help, not to be told to reset my modem or remove my router, I'm sick to death of hearing that. It isn't my modem or router that is the issue.14KViews0likes36CommentsSuspiciously High Data Usage, Netgear CM1000 Modem errors and Connection Issues...
I cancelled my contract with AT&T and switched over to Cox Gigablast last year for $119 a month. After the first few months of exceeding the 1TB data cap I went ahead and upgraded to the unlimited plan ($49.99/mo) to avoid all the overcharges. I've been having a lot of connection problems and intermittent upload/download speeds the past several months. Went to the Cox website to see if there was a fix and noticed my data usage is still high (roughly 2TB a month). Considering I really only play Xbox One and use Chromecast to watch shows on Hulu/YouTube TV (720p/1080p only), I'm a little suspicious. I checked the event log for my Netgear CM1000 modem and noticed a bunch of errors piled up such as: RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power Exceeds Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW Dynamic Range Window violation TLV-11 - unrecognized OID; I'll add the event log and cable connection info below, if someone could take a look and help me make sense of all this I'd greatly appreciate it. CM1000 Event Log: Time Priority Description 2019-04-10, 20:14:50 Warning (5) Dynamic Range Window violation 2019-04-10, 20:14:50 Warning (5) RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power Exceeds Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-04-10, 20:14:42 Notice (6) DS profile assignment change. DS Chan ID: 32; Previous Profile: ; New Profile: 1 2 3 .;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-04-10, 20:14:32 Notice (6) TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Warning (5) DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response ;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Notice (6) Honoring MDD; IP provisioning mode = IPv4 Time Not Established Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-03-18, 10:41:37 Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-02-24, 17:26:06 Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-02-24, 14:14:28 Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-02-24, 14:14:21 Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-02-24, 10:21:15 Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) DHCP FAILED - Discover sent, no offer received;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-01-24, 01:15:14 Critical (3) Resetting the cable modem due to docsDevResetNow 2019-01-18, 19:48:08 Critical (3) Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 2019-01-01, 00:56:51 Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=70:6e:6d:2d:7e:ae;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; Time Not Established Critical (3) SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;CM-MAC=cc:40:d0:25:6c:48;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; CM1000 Cable Connections Info: Frequency start Value This field below allows you to modify the frequency the cable modem start with its scan during initialization and registration. Enter the new start frequency and restart the cable modem for it to take effect. Starting Frequency <tabindex=-1>Startup Procedure Procedure Status Comment Acquire Downstream Channel 747000000 Hz Locked Connectivity State OK Operational Boot State OK Operational Security Enable BPI+ IP Provisioning Mode Honor MDD IPv4 only <tabindex=-1>Downstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR / MER Unerrored Codewords Correctable Codewords Uncorrectable Codewords 1 Locked QAM256 12 747000000 Hz -0.3 dBmV 40.6 dB 2001198088 0 0 2 Locked QAM256 1 681000000 Hz -0.1 dBmV 40.9 dB 2000032230 0 0 3 Locked QAM256 2 687000000 Hz -0.4 dBmV 40.7 dB 2000043341 0 0 4 Locked QAM256 3 693000000 Hz -0.1 dBmV 40.3 dB 2000051596 0 0 5 Locked QAM256 4 699000000 Hz -0.5 dBmV 40.8 dB 2000060887 0 0 6 Locked QAM256 9 729000000 Hz -0.4 dBmV 40.5 dB 2000070749 0 0 7 Locked QAM256 10 735000000 Hz -0.2 dBmV 40.8 dB 2000079477 0 0 8 Locked QAM256 11 741000000 Hz -0.6 dBmV 40.6 dB 2000136913 0 0 9 Locked QAM256 17 777000000 Hz -0.4 dBmV 40.7 dB 2000154306 0 0 10 Locked QAM256 18 783000000 Hz -0.9 dBmV 40.7 dB 2000165882 0 0 11 Locked QAM256 19 789000000 Hz -0.9 dBmV 40.7 dB 2000174976 0 0 12 Locked QAM256 20 795000000 Hz -1.5 dBmV 40.5 dB 2000184328 0 0 13 Locked QAM256 21 801000000 Hz -1.7 dBmV 40.6 dB 2000192574 0 0 14 Locked QAM256 22 807000000 Hz -1.9 dBmV 40.5 dB 2000203480 0 0 15 Locked QAM256 25 825000000 Hz -2.3 dBmV 40.4 dB 2000193485 3654 12449 16 Locked QAM256 26 831000000 Hz -1.7 dBmV 40.4 dB 2000217773 1306 2609 17 Locked QAM256 27 837000000 Hz -1.7 dBmV 40.4 dB 2000211699 4799 15998 18 Locked QAM256 28 843000000 Hz -1.3 dBmV 40.5 dB 2000225199 4150 11140 19 Locked QAM256 29 849000000 Hz -1.0 dBmV 40.6 dB 2000250514 0 0 20 Locked QAM256 30 855000000 Hz -0.9 dBmV 40.7 dB 2000259503 0 0 21 Locked QAM256 33 357000000 Hz -3.0 dBmV 40.0 dB 2000269575 0 0 22 Locked QAM256 34 363000000 Hz -3.3 dBmV 40.3 dB 2000279148 0 0 23 Locked QAM256 35 369000000 Hz -3.2 dBmV 40.4 dB 2000287527 0 0 24 Locked QAM256 36 375000000 Hz -3.2 dBmV 40.3 dB 2000297314 0 0 25 Locked QAM256 37 381000000 Hz -2.8 dBmV 40.3 dB 2000306978 0 0 26 Locked QAM256 38 387000000 Hz -2.8 dBmV 39.8 dB 2000317294 0 0 27 Locked QAM256 41 405000000 Hz -2.3 dBmV 40.5 dB 2000325948 0 0 28 Locked QAM256 42 411000000 Hz -2.2 dBmV 40.8 dB 2000335715 0 0 29 Locked QAM256 43 417000000 Hz -2.2 dBmV 40.6 dB 2000352368 0 0 30 Locked QAM256 44 423000000 Hz -2.0 dBmV 40.7 dB 2000361024 0 0 31 Locked QAM256 45 429000000 Hz -2.0 dBmV 40.7 dB 2000368513 0 0 32 Locked QAM256 46 435000000 Hz -2.0 dBmV 40.6 dB 2000375095 0 0 <tabindex=-1>Upstream Bonded Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power 1 Locked ATDMA 1 17600000 Hz 38.0 dBmV 2 Locked ATDMA 2 24000000 Hz 39.3 dBmV 3 Locked ATDMA 3 30400000 Hz 40.8 dBmV 4 Locked ATDMA 4 36800000 Hz 41.0 dBmV 5 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 6 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 7 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV 8 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV <tabindex=-1>Downstream OFDM Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation / Profile ID Channel ID Frequency Power SNR / MER Active Subcarrier Number Range Unerrored Codewords Correctable Codewords Uncorrectable Codewords 1 Locked 0, 1, 2, 3 159 300000000 Hz 1.0 dBmV 41.8 dB 1108 ~ 2987 1909972654 55424692 0 2 Not Locked 0 0 0 Hz -1.9 dBmV 0.0 dB 0 ~ 4095 0 0 0 <tabindex=-1>Upstream OFDMA Channels Channel Lock Status Modulation / Profile ID Channel ID Frequency Power 1 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0 dBmV 2 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0 dBmV My Equipment/Info: Cox Gigablast 1000/35 + Unlimited data Linksys WRT3200ACM Netgear CM10001.6KViews0likes1Comment100/10 plan, only 2 mbit upload
Hello, this issue seems to have started sometime yesterday. It was only noticeable to me once I found out my voice chat (discord) and my game experienced severe lag. Ran a speedtest and found that my upload speed is only 1/5 of the advertised speed. To me this is unacceptable. My upload speed is more or less at acceptable speeds. Restarting router did not help. Restarting modem did not help. Having Cox agent restart modem did not help. Connecting directly to modem did not help. Modem signal upstream and downstream look nominal. https://imgur.com/hFOIccY Speedtest.net: https://imgur.com/OlXe9Zu https://imgur.com/iefRReO1.3KViews0likes1CommentSlow Upload Speeds; Trying to Stream on Twitch
So recently I have been trying to stream on Twitch.tv, and even though we paying for the Ultimate Internet package, which includes 30mbps upload, I am only able to stream at 3500 bitrate and this still doesn't guarantee a good quality stream without dropped frames. I would also like to mention that even though we are paying for this service, I am getting an average of about 20-24mbps upload, with it very rarely reaching 30mbps. I called about this a week ago I had two techs come out so far. One came out Monday the 17th and another came out today at around noon. The first tech said everything should be fixed by Friday, but I have performed multiple speed tests since then and I have yet to see speeds remotely close to 30mbps aside from a couple trials. (see attached image) He also put in a ticket for someone from Cox's maintenance team to come and see if there were any issues on the line outside my house, and from what I have been told, everything has been resolved yet I am still experiencing less than expected upload speeds. I also have performed multiple Twitch Bandwidth tests to verify that there is an issue with my upload speed, and sure enough I get mediocre bandwidth results along with very low quality connections to servers that are close to me. (see attached image) Not sure what to do at this point because it seems like getting a tech out here for the third time would be nothing but a nuisance to them, since all they do is come here and tell me they can't do anything about it and that they will forward the issue. Hopefully someone on here can provide me with some help. Thanks11KViews0likes17CommentsCable Modem Inability to Bond 4 Upstream Channels?
I have been battling an intermittent internet speed problem for the past month or so. I've had 3 visits from Cox technicians so far. As incremental changes are made by the Cox technicians and myself, the speeds are getting faster and more consistent (according to a 5-minute periodic test I've been running from TestMy.net). However, I am still stuck with the apparent inability to bond 4 upstream channels on my Cisco DPQ3212C cable modem. Below are my statistics (including my MAC address so you can identify me). Can you please tell me if there is anything that I can do from my end in order to get a better upstream connection? Thanks. Model: Cisco DPQ3212 Vendor: Cisco Hardware Revision: 1.0 Serial Number: 273127183 MAC Address: 68:ee:96:a1:3b:4b Bootloader Revision: 2.3.0_R1 Current Software Revision: d3200-P15-5-v302r125573-20131008a-COX Firmware Name: d3200-P15-5-v302r125573-20131008a-COX.bin Firmware Build Time: Oct 21 10:08:39 2013 Cable Modem Status: Operational Cable Modem State DOCSIS Downstream Scanning: Completed DOCSIS Ranging: Completed DOCSIS DHCP: Completed DOCSIS TFTP: Completed DOCSIS Data Reg Complete: Completed DOCSIS Privacy: Enabled Downstream Channels Power Level: Signal to Noise Ratio: Channel 1 : 5.7 dBmV 36.8 dB Channel 2 : 5.8 dBmV 36.8 dB Channel 3 : 6.1 dBmV 36.2 dB Channel 4 : 6.1 dBmV 36.4 dB Channel 5 : 7.3 dBmV 36.0 dB Channel 6 : 8.8 dBmV 36.9 dB Channel 7 : 8.9 dBmV 36.2 dB Channel 8 : 8.7 dBmV 35.9 dB Upstream Channels Power Level: Channel 1 : 47.5 dBmV Channel 2 : 46.7 dBmV Channel 3 : 49.7 dBmV Channel 4 : 0.0 dBmV4KViews0likes7Comments