Class Action Lawsuit for Data Overage Fraud
How many people would be interested in a class action lawsuit against Cox over their fraudulent data overage charges. Personally we had a massive increase last month over any other month with no different usage on our end. There were multiple days when we were out of town and still managed to use 50GB in that time. Customer Service uses the same canned response for everyone. They try to blame it on connected devices (we had none) or someone using our wifi. Their excuses just don't add up. Connected devices wouldn't use more data than days when people are actually home using the devices. And I'm not living next door to some rouge hacker that's capable of breaking my password. Also, if someone was stealing my wifi, why would it spike one month and go down the next? Did they just feel like not using it anymore? It's time that we stand up together and get past their BS responses. Their data reporting is not accurate, so they shouldn't be allowed to charge extra fees for phantom data usage. The only reason they get away with this is because there are no other options in a lot of cities. This can't continue and needs to stop now!4.9KViews1like10CommentsHigh data usage on one day
Hello, my tracker is showing I have one day with extremely high data usage at 291 GB, meanwhile all the other days are at around 23 GB and Cox is giving me no explanation on what caused this. Anyone know how this can happen? I barely watch tv, do not game, work computer was off, and my cell phone was not connected to the internet.811Views0likes2CommentsData Caps are not balanced in 2020
Hello. Data Caps are absolutely a joke. They're systems put in place to simply generate more money. In 2020, almost EVERYTHING is online, taking up bandwidth. Right now, countless people are going over their data caps during this pandemic and Cox is collecting on them like the mafia. If you think $50 ADDITIONAL is fair for this packet loss ** service, stop reading. Data caps are extremely unbalanced. I just went to check on my data usage, and its over 1tb again. I shouldn't have done it to myself, but here we are because of your practices COX. I wanted to see if i was hitting my data cap and if i could simply download something without going over. And guess what lol, I hit my data cap, and, well, i still want to simply download something. I want to use my service that i pay $100+ a month for. I don't want to pay $10 per 50 gb to continue to use my service. In what world is this not an insane, mafia-esque tactic? Maybe Trump's America and with Ajit Pi's damage, but lets not even go that far. How in the world is it not insane, with some of these frivolous game downloads are 100gb +? So, if I download 5 new games, i hit about 500gb. Thats half of my data cap for 5 big games. Thats not streaming or actually playing them either. Thats half or more, GONE, just from using my service normally. Then those same games have updates that can also be 100gb. So now there's 5 updates a month, thats another 500gb. Thats my data cap lol. AND THEN we have streaming movies, the bandwidth it takes to actually play the games etc. It makes absolutely no sense. In anyway. At all. Ever, in 2020. You have to be the thickest headed person in the world to think this is any semblance of fair, or someone who makes money from these practices, or Ajit Pi himself. It is absolutely infuriating. I can't use my service normally. A big game comes out in a few days: Cyberpunk. Right now my data is at 1000gb. And I'll be downloading Cyberpunk. And that will probably make me go 100gb over my data cap. And that will run me $10 per 50gb. So potentially $20 just to download a game. Not to buy it, but to download it, to use the service which i already pay for. Simply raise the data cap or remove it entirely. There is no way 1tb is a fair and balanced data cap in 2020. There is no reason to make people feel ill over their data usage. There is no reason to make people pay an additional $50 to use their $100 service normally. Imagine not really having $50 to simply hand over out of the blue (and before someone says 'what about the money you spend on the games,' lol, i'm most concerned with the games i've already bought, deleted to make room, and now download again to play). I'm not a person who wouldn't miss $50. I need that $50. You obviously dont and you obviously know that. I want the least stress possible, especially from an INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER. I don't want to think about if a download is costing me $20-$50 for something I already own... Some day it'll change but until then, guess I'll just keep feeling ill over the situation, in the midst of a pandemic, while you make money from it. Here is the $20 I owe you for the 100gb patch that automatically downloaded overnight while i slept. I'm sorry, I should've payed more attention. Oh, there's another option? $50 for unlimited? So I can pay $20 extra or $50 extra. What about the third option where I already payed you $100+ for the month of service, and I don't have to cough up more?944Views0likes1CommentCOX data measuring tool is off
I have been going back and forth with COX for about a month now trying to explain that their traffic analyzer is off but have only been told that it can't be because they work with a "third party" who's own 2018 report show that they DO have a chance over over counting traffic used. There has been no report for 2019 released to the public yet so it is impossible to verify if they fixed the issue. The problem is that I've spoken to my router manufacturer who has assured me that as long as my router firmware is up to date the wifi traffic should be accurate to the KB. After my own research I've found that the only way to be sure of the traffic used on wifi is to take the measurement from the router (which I do) and nothing else (COX uses the modem) so I'm starting to think that they are sending a fair amount of data to my modem (my personal modem not theirs) and then charging me for it, which they shouldn't do per their support reps, or their measuring tool is off which they wont even consider. I'm curious if anyone else has run into this issue or even just COX's refusal to engage with their paying customers about possible issues.605Views0likes2CommentsAre you fed up with excessively high data usage?
I've been a network engineer for several years, my boss for much longer. We have been compiling tons of information on Cox and the way they do "business" for awhile now under different alias' and addresses. With enough leverage, I feel like we have collected sufficient data to finally push back and would like to compare / contrast with others of a similar mindset. I am absolutely confident at this point there is a case to be made here. I doubt we will garner enough support to achieve a class action, but it certainly doesn't hurt to try. That being said, we are more than happy to take on a standard lawsuit ourselves and leave "you" anonymous. If you would like to discuss this in more depth please send me an email at - (not my primary email for obvious reasons) if you have any material you would like to add or would just simply like to support. I'm not here to debate or discuss on the forums and frankly I don't expect this post to remain up for long, I am just going through the proper channels first so I can document them deleting my post before escalating to more visible options.657Views2likes2CommentsData usage drastically increased since Jan 2019
Ever since I switched to gigablast this past Jan, my data usage has jumped from 700gb a month to 950+gb. I haven’t done anything different, in fact I have been using the internet a lot less since the last 2 months. I even disconnected devices that have been connected in my house for years. I also noticed many other people are having issues with high data usage as of the last 3 months. I am already past the point of being annoyed with cox and if this doesn’t get resolved very soon, I am going to switch providers.961Views1like1Commentdata usage overcharge by cox
Cox has been claiming that on 02/25/2018 I have used 443GB data causing my account to exceed the 1TB limit resulting in an extra $80 charge on my account. The response from the Tier2 Cox representatives for my multiple inquires was almost the same: someone must have hacked my WIFI. Cox would not able to provide the IP addresses nor the time of the day when this data transfer had happened. They claim that no way that Cox's reading of the data usage would be false. Never mind that this much data with my max 200Mb/s download speed and even less on WIFI, would require someone to be by my house for at least 5 hours. My house sits on a half an acre and fenced all around. There is no WIFI coverage by the perimeters at all. see attached graph2.4KViews0likes1Comment