How do I locate the caller ID section to turn it on so that the incoming telephone number shows on the tv screen
Here is the information for the newer cox contour cable box: Cox Phone tv settings. Cox phone caller id settings for tv, 2023. You need to do this from your tv contour remote. Menu > "Preferences"> cox voice > (Set to "on" or "off" ). "Voice" control is for the tv caller id settings.2.6KViews0likes1Comment1 Ring Hang-up Calls
I am constantly (5 or more times a day) getting calls where it rings once and then nothing. The caller's number does not show up in the caller ID on my phone, but if I am watching TV I will see the number displayed on the TV screen for a moment. Does anyone have an explanation for this?2KViews0likes3CommentsCaller ID time off by 8 minutes.
Times shown on my home phones and answering machine show the time that is about 8 minutes earlier than the time shown by NIST or WWV (the US time standards). For example, I call home at 6:20pm and the caller ID shows 6:12pm. Granted, not a huge problem, but irritating and shows as possible time server issue on Cox's equipment.7.7KViews1like11Comments[Ohio] COX Voice sending incorrect time
This has been going on for at least a day now in the Cleveland Ohio area. The wrong time is being sent from COX in the Caller Id data. Currently it is 11:30 PM but COX is sending 9:30 AM as the time. This has been reported by others on the DSL Reports forums too: Please FIX.9.2KViews0likes0CommentsCaller ID timestamp is approximately 11 minutes slow
As of approximately 6:04 PM EDT on 10/22/2018 here in Hampton Roads, VA, the Caller ID timestamps are approximately 11 minutes slow. I verified this with multiple calls using 2 autonomous caller id display systems. What gives?9.8KViews0likes7CommentsHere's a visual clue that you've been migrated and ready for Nomorobo
Since being migrated over to the Cox switching facilities that support simultaneous ring for Nomorobo, we now see the US country code of "1" as a prefix to the Caller ID number info we receive for calls from US numbers (i.e. 757-555-0150 now shows as 1-757-555-0150). It appears the entire 11 digit US numbers are now being passed without the country code being truncated. This started for us on the date we were migrated over. I didn't know then what the included prefix starting on that date meant, but I do now after being informed that was the date our service was migrated over (See disclaimer below). DISCLAIMER: I don't know if this applies to everyone. However, it did for our household here in Hampton Roads, VA.2.6KViews0likes0CommentsCaller ID Not Showing Up on TV Screen/No Record of Calls
On 2/10/18 I returned my Cox Panoramic WiFi hardware and, after confirming it's on Cox's approved list, replaced it with my personal Nighthawk modem/router. The Nighthawk doesn't have a plug for telephone service, so I also went to my local Cox store and picked up one of the small modems for telephone-only. A few days later, I returned my old TV cable receivers and upgraded them to the current Contour boxes. The phone works just fine, and my caller ID on the little screen on my telephone tells me who's calling; however, ever since I switched to the Nighthawk (and before I switched to the new Contour boxes) I do not have caller ID on my TV screen. When I pull up my Cox Connect phone app or do a left arrow on my Contour guide, there is no record of the calls I have received since 2/10/18. It's like my TV service and my phone service aren't talking to each other. I called Cox technical services, who tried several things, including having me turn the phone modem off and on, having me turn the on-screen caller ID setting off and on, and the technician sending a new signal to the phone modem and to the TV cable receivers. Nothing worked. The technician was going to send a trouble ticket to another department and said I should hear from someone when they figured out what the problem is. It's been a week and I haven't heard a peep from Cox. I hoped that when I set up the new Contour boxes the problem might resolve itself, but it didn't. Both the Nighthawk and the phone modem work great, and, in accordance with the phone modem instructions, I have a yellow cable connecting the two. I really think this has to be something easy that we're missing. Any ideas?5.5KViews0likes2Comments