Sick of seeing the sorry, we're having some trouble message
Atleast 2 or 3 times a day I receive an error message when I try and select a channel. It's not a specific channel that is having problems it's all over the place with issues. This is unacceptable. We switched to Cox with the promise of a visa card also and I haven't been able to get any answers about how to get that. I have reset the cable box many times and it solves the issue sometimes but not always. I need yall to correct both of these situations now4.4KViews0likes1CommentCox Degrades Signals and Prohibits Cable Box Resets
As soon as Cox went from analog to digital the degradation of reception has steadily gotten worse while they continue to up prices by 8 - 12% per year - supposedly "upgrading" their "infrastructure". SYMPTOMS: Black screen, no audio with a displayable info bar. This went from occasional on one channel to this year multiple channels every night for hours at a time. MPEG macro-blocking with audio drop out. Again initially once in a while, now multiple channels for hours at a time EVERY night. Typically it is 5 sec of audio and video, followed by 30 seconds of macro blocking or picture freeze and no audio repeated for hours on end. Tune to a channel, get 20 - 30 seconds of black before they re-route you to a non-HD channel which takes another 10 seconds to display. The instantaneous freeze with no audio that can only be corrected by switching channels. The usual fix - going to your online account to reset your cable box - still appears in the account. For the past several months they would not allow it after reporting the network was working fine. You select to reset and it denies you saying there IS a network outage they will fix in 12 hours. This past week they simply report "There was a problem and we could not reset your cable box. Try again later" but it NEVER works. I believe they have actually disabled this capability of your account and just won't tell consumers they have done it. Charge you for services they deny you access to. I am being charged for HBO Max, something that should come from my HBO subscription through COX but I can't access it unless I pony up an additional $29 a month for a DVR box. My smart TV would support it through network / internet connection, but I would have to pay HBO directly for it because they say,unlike the old HBO Go I must get it through COX if I want to get it as part of my subscription. They regularly take the entire cable sometimes including internet service offline for hours at a time for "upgrades" which make no changes to the crappy signal quality, bogged down internet connections and glitchiness. Yes, this "improved service" is why our cable bill doubled in 5 years. COX - say it out loud - its all in the name!3.2KViews0likes4CommentsDVR not working; cnF9 error
My DVR box (Cisco 8742HDC) stopped working around 1230 PM. I checked the cables (use a splitter with my panoramic wifi modem) and tried to reset it from the COX website, but received the "unable to reset receiver, try again in a few minutes" message. I tried again about ten minutes later, no change. I unplugged the power source from the box, waited two minutes then plugged it back in. It cycled through to the "Welcome to COX" screen but never actually made it to the program guide. After trying this a third time, my area had a thunderstorm which caused a power outage for about an hour. Once it returned, the box went through the usual boot up process, but now is frozen with the "Welcome to COX. We're loading the Interactive Program Guide" screen and the front of the box reads the "cnF9" error code (or config as I have seen in other posts). It has been like this for the past 2 hours and still has not returned. Every once in a while the "Please wait" blue dots that form a circle will move, as if to show progress. I have had this box about four months after having the previous model for four years. That box "died" after having a similar issue where it would not record and then it froze on the DVR recordings screen. I lost all my recordings that time and am mentally prepared to lose the recordings on this DVR again. Is it time for another box?3.1KViews0likes3CommentsTV Channels Missing
For the past month our TBS channel (OKC channel 731) has not worked. The non-HD channel 62 works.. but HD 731 does not. We called the first time about 3 weeks ago.. and after running all of the tests they could not determine what was wrong. We were supposed to have received a call within 24-48 hours and did not. I called again a couple of days ago.. they ran more tests, had us check physical connections etc.. nothing helped. While we were waiting on the testing they were explaining the Contour and home phone bundling they were wanting us to "upgrade" to. By the end of the call, we had not signed up for the additional stuff and there was still no explanation for the missing TBS station. Now, FOX News and CNN are missing as well. Part of me feels like they went "missing" because we didn't sign up for their additional services. But I'm sure that's ridiculous. Has anyone else had this issue? Cox - if you're reading this - is there really no way we can get our channels back? I was told the channels would "definitely return" if we got the new contour box. But I really don't want to feel like I'm paying a ransom.3.1KViews0likes3CommentsHow do I reset my cable boxes without having to call in when the connection reset tool says my Whole Home DVR boxes are not eligible?
I have had my whole home DVR maybe a year and every month I personally have to reset my boxes. If I don't, then after about 5 weeks I start missing DVR recordings because it says the recorder isn't available while it is recording only a single show. My most recent miss was the epic season finale of flash that I ended up having to wait over a week to watch before it was actually put on On-Demand, of which of course mostly was spoiled to me by media and other people who got to see it because their DVR system doesn't ***. I can't just unplug it because my home theatre system is built in and not easily accessible. When I call to talk to someone they say to use the online tool but it doesn't work for me because it says my equipment is not eligible for a cable box refresh. My only option is to call and go through all the phone prompts to do it and that is a pain. It is so frustrating to have a new system and be told that I should be able to use the online reset tool but not be told why it does not work for me. Why won't it work? How can I get it fixed? The last time I spoke to Cox about this was 3 months ago and I was told they were sending it to their internet website people saying it was an issue with the website. But at the same time I went over to a friend and had him do it for his stuff and it worked perfect. Since then I have not got any information from Cox and it is just very discouraging. Anyone else have this problem?2.9KViews0likes3CommentsContour DVR is garbage
This will be a major rant. We moved into our new house 2 years agon and since then nothing but issues with Contour's so called DVR. At the time we signed up for it nobody said anything about it being a cloud DVR (guess I should have researched it more). We came over from Directv because att was a major pain to deal with on billing but it seems Cox has followed in their footsteps. My issues are as follows. 1. Recordings are cut short and not by just a minute or 2 but a 1 hour show records 5 secs, a few minutes and then just stops recording. 2. Trying to rewind or fast forward a show at least 50% of the time results in delay and the screen appears to freeze and then the message that says there was an issue on our end or restart the box and tighten the connections on the box and at the wall. This is a major load of ** from COX which is nothing more than an excuse for old, outdated and crappy equipment. 3. Also whenever the internet goes down we cannot watch anything since the so called dvr is in the cloud and not a physical drive so there in lies another issue. In my opinion if I wanted to stream everything which in case you did not realize it yet is exactly what you are doing, the contour box is nothing more than a large oversized Amazon Firestick, Roku Box or any of many streaming devices. Oh and the picture quality on my 4k tv ** since I just discovered COX is downgrading the video to 720. 4. If I call in or chat with someone the first thing they say is we need to restart your box and if I hear that again I will explode and at this moment I am about to throw COX in the garbage and go somewhere else where at least I will get the same crappy billing issues and most likely service as well and by the way I do not like Century Link for internet because of the issues we had when they were qwest. End of rant2.6KViews1like5CommentsReplacement DVR
I currently have the Motorola DCX3400-M DVR and it appears to be slowly deteriorating over time. There are times when we watch OnDemand programming and the DVR locks up, the only way around this is for us to reboot the box. A few of our channels have broken audio on the HD channel but the same SD channel audio is fine. When changing channels using the remote, the DVR stops responding. The display on the DVR reacts properly to us pushing buttons on the remote, but the channels will not change. When the box finally reacts, it will fly about 5 channels in either direction. When watching recorded programming, we attempt to fast forward through commercials, but when the commercial is over, the program will not react properly to our button pushes. The DVR display, again, reacts properly to our button pushes but will not play and ends up fast forwarding completely through what we have recorded or far enough that we need to rewind and hopefully not have the same problem again. I know these are all minor problems, but I was just wondering if this is something that would rate a replacement cable box? Each of these problems are not a hard failure, but occur very randomly.2.6KViews0likes5CommentsCox Guide descriptions are messed up again!
If anyone else has the pleasure of having their Cox TV Guide read as if they've been translated from English into Spanish, then back into English, PLEASE do us the pleasure of posting your screen shots. Some of these show titles and descriptions are HILARIOUS! Thanks for the bang up job, Cox. Always good for a laugh! v
Why can,t i get an answer....t v station change on its on, i call 18882699693 or 18553078210 they don,t have no answer the same were i go too pay my $182.00 a month. Who run cox what a bad T V station, why can,t you fix this an answer please. I,ll be moving on too another program. Days date 9/22/16. (station change on too another station)2.4KViews0likes2Comments