Forum Discussion

tallbubba's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

TiVo & Cox OnDemand in Phoenix

The forums say some people have it and some people don't have OnDemand on their TiVo's in Phoenix. Phone reps have said its available. TiVo Website says its available on a blog post but then in the support documents it's only available in one zip code. 4 techs have been out to my house and they state "it should be working." TiVo support said in the morning it is available and in the afternoon it wasn't. Cox twitter support said they could get it working but then said if TiVo said it wasn't available it wasn't available. 

So is it available or not. I am really tired of being told its available and it's not. 

Xfinity had it for years and it worked great. Heck at this point Xfinity/Comcast is looking like a better company than Cox, and that is saying something! 

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