Tivos and Tuning Adapter
For the past 2-3 months, I receive messages daily on both of my TiVos that a tuning adapter is not and is connected to my TiVo. I used to receive those messages about once every 1-2 months, but they are now daily, sometimes even twice a day. I will be watching tv, and a message will pop up that a tuning adapter is not connected to my TiVo. I then will see the blinking light on the tuning adapter and eventually receive a message that the tuning adapter is once again connected. There are times when my televisions are off, and I see the tuning adapter blinking. When I do turn on the television, there is a message that the tuning adapter is connected. I have to respond to these messages before they will clear and I can again watch television. Is the tuning adapter is spontaneously rebooting itself? If so, why? This is affecting my recordings, and I would like to know why this is happening all of a sudden.
I cannot find any posts about this issue anywhere, so I am starting with Cox. Is this because of the new equipment upgrades performed in my neighborhood, which coincidentally occurred just before this issue started?
Thank you.