Forum Discussion

scgkj's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Suggestion for Cox - Text size

I understand that you can change the text size going to the Settings of your receiver. However there are only two choices of medium and large.

Large isn't big enough when watching on a smaller tv or even when watching a larger tv from a distance. It's hard to read. I would imagine that elderly people would really struggle with this.

A suggestion is to add even larger text sizes as alternatives. Or perhaps even a button on the remote that you can push and instantaneously adjust the text size much like you can do on your laptop screen when you push Control and the + tabs.

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator

    Hi scgkj, we thank you for being a devoted member of the Cox family, and I forwarded this feedback to the appropriate party for review. We truly value your feedback, and we have a team that specifically handles guide enhancement changes for our various television platforms. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator