Forum Discussion

elkhippo's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Guide & Recording Timing Off

When recording a show from the Guide, the recording gives me a couple of minutes of the previous show and cuts off the last few minutes of the recorded show. It seems that the recording clock and the broadcast clock don't match. I'd like to get a recording of the full show that I want to watch, including what's coming next week.

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hello, to confirm, are multiple episodes from different shows impacted? If only one episode is impacted, then the recording may have been corrupted at some point. I recommend rebooting the whole system (unplugging the receiver for at least 30 seconds). If this issue persists, you may have a defective hard drive and the receiver will more than likely need to be replaced. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator