Guide Not Working
Hi, is anyone else experiencing the 'Guide' not working? I keep seeing the error message "Unfortunately, this isn't working. This feature isn't available right now. Please try back later." It's been saying this since yesterday evening.
I'm able to watch TV and I'm able to see my 'Last Watched' but I can't see the menu/guide of channels and what's playing.
Hi Aparkman1, not having Guide access certainly makes it difficult to access and enjoy your favorite content! I apologize for the frustration this has caused. I suggest unplugging the cable box for 2 minutes and then plugging it back in. Give the box 5-10 minutes to completely reset after you plug it back in. The channels and programming load first and the Guide data loads last (in the boot up process). Please give this a try and let us know if this restores your Guide data.