Forum Discussion
I can't even get the website to load, no matter what browser or PC I use.
- KevinM26 years agoFormer ModeratorHi Chazzx, do you receive an error message when attempting to access Contour through the website? Are you able to access Contour using the Contour App? Would you be able to email us at, so we may attempt to replicate this issue using your login credentials? -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
- ekhawaii6 years agoContributor
Hey chazzx, never knew about this Online COX TV website. I tried it from my W10 Firefox and it worked for viewing and for sound on various channels, including my STARZ. Did not try specific TNT, WGN....However, when I exited the tab, I could not log back on. Not sure if browser needs reloading. I checked my ID/pass a couple of times. This site could be useful for phone apps and computer, where TV is not available...
Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Sun Jul 14 17:03:13 UTC 2019There was an unexpected error (type=Unauthorized, status=401).Unauthorizedletti001.....maybe the sound icon on the bottom rt of the COX TV window is set to mute or the slidebar is low or you have mute on the computers audio. I had the TV window sound on mute originally.
- ekhawaii6 years agoContributor
I tried restarting Firefox, and finally restarted my luck, cannot re-logon to watchtv. ID/pass, who knows...must be on COX least my TV works. Frustrating for you Apps/online guys with no sound or connections
- ekhawaii6 years agoContributor
KevinM2....I'm using Firefox, and do have problems with the login. Cleared the cache, history here. It sometimes works and other times fails. I've used Chrome and Edge. I'm able to login/off and re-login to these, so far. With FF, I can't seem to pinpoint the problem...after enter of id/pass, the screen re-displays and I need to re-enter id/pass then I get a message. I've been trying to play with different login paths to the watchTV for Cox... I see an Adobe Flash msg on the Chrome/Edge, but I believe that is after my ID verify. With FF, I get the Whitelabel error from above. I've also looked to see if there are any bloc of the
Now about the original poster's, not getting sound on the TNT 18/1018 channel. I get NO sound using all 3 browsers....there may be others, but TNT is a no sound for me.
- ekhawaii6 years agoContributor
Here is my last update for Foxfire now seems to be stable for open/close the watchtv site. Weird that the bookmark path had maybe something to do.
TNT 18, has no sound. Paramount 52 is stuck, no sound or motion. WGN 68 works fine for sound/motion. Poked around a few other channels, looking for maybe old movies or series, or non-HD channels.....couldn't find any here in SoCal.
- KevinM26 years agoFormer ModeratorHi Ekhawaii, can you please reach out to us on, for further assistance? We can also be reached on Facebook or Twitter as well. We may have to escalate this to our back-office team who handles our Contour app and website, in order to resolve the audio issues. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
- KevinM26 years agoFormer ModeratorHi Ekhawaii, do you receive an error when attempting to log in through the website? Are you able to use the Contour App without any issues? Have you tried clearing your cookies and cache and launching another browser (Google Chrome or Internet Explorer)? -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
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