Forum Discussion

Craigo's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Contour problems Gainesville Fl

Last two days we have been having problems with contour , not able to change channels, guide freezes. Chatted with online tech support they basically just had me reboot the box. Made a service appt and later that day got a message there was an outage and box started working ok. Cancelled service appt later that evening box started doing the same thing again. Anyone else having these issues, frustrating!

Also have seen post about ESPN freezing, we have experienced that the last two weeks as well

5 Replies

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  • @Craigo, Are there any splitters or signal amps on the cable line going to the cable box? -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
    • Craigo's avatar
      New Contributor

      Yes there are both. We also have tv with the non contour mini box ( limited channels) and that tv works fine. Seems to be something with the contour only

      The picture on the contour Tv's are fine , just cant change the channels ,guide  doesnt work right. Same situation on all (3) our tv's with contour. Also checked out remote

      • BenS1's avatar
        Former Moderator
        Thanks @Craigo,
        Can you bypass the splitter/amplifier and plug it directly into the wall from the cable box?

        Ben S.
        Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • Craigo's avatar
      New Contributor

      Tried that but it was doing the same thing on all (3) tv's

      It started working ok on its own, must have been something with Cox network . I was getting ready to swap out my Contour box but luckily didnt have to