Forum Discussion

DodgersLakersBr's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Bad ESPN reception

Anyone else getting choppy reception on ESPN for the Dodger game? Comes and goes.

6 Replies

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  • JonathanJ's avatar
    Former Moderator

    Were you having this issue on the app or channel?

    Jonathan J
    Cox Moderator

    • Tobias's avatar
      New Contributor


      Can U help us out?  Not other channel of the 50 or so I receive, other than ESPN Channel 35, has any reception problems.  Also, the advertisements on ESPN channel 35 are received perfectly fine, but once the programming returns back to ESPN the audio, and sometimes video, cuts out and is choppy.  

      What can you do to correct this, as I would like to order additional sports packages, but will not do so if there are any type of cable reception issues?

      Best Regards - Tobias

    • Andrew_Wees's avatar
      Contributor III

      what does connection speed have to do with tv reception?

  • Tobias's avatar
    New Contributor

    Yes, I am, and it is a Cox problem!  They may be using a satellite feed to get ESPN channel 35, or their back end systems are under-powered.  All I know is they need to fix it!!!

    • gsc331's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Tobias, i am having same problem in New Orleans area. Got to be Cox problem All other channels are good.