Throttled internet and non existent upload speeds
I have been dealing with cox for over 6 years and it is always something wrong with the internet if it was not the only one in the area i would of switched internet services by now.
Currently have the gigablast internet worked decently two months ago at least i could stream on twitch without having to jump thru hoops, now i get 200+ mpbs downloads and .56 uploads yes the is correct .56 mpbs upload it has been this way for the past two months three months ago i didn't even have internet even tho i had four techs come out and diagnose that there wasn't a problem.
In this three weeks i have had 8 technicians come out and tell me everything is fine, ran there diagnosis then i had them watch me do the same exact test on my machine and get the upload speeds i said previously but they claim it is my equipment well that is false because it worked previously just fine with no hiccups and plus i use my phone hotspot and get better upload speeds then what i am paying for. Also it is kinda urking that they a trying to charge me a monthly bill without having the service i pay for work in the first place.
Currently i have a senior technician coming out monday have 0 hope that will get fixed because the current "help" i have gotten even tho i have directed them to the problem it still gets overlooked and brushed under the rug.