Forum Discussion

Bsiebenaler17's avatar
New Contributor
2 months ago


This company and their techs need a refresher on customer service. None of them are friendly. Everything seems to be a burden with them. I had a tech scheduled to come on a Friday. He was 2 hours late to the appointment. Could barely understand the tech and his communication skills were terrible. I told him what I wanted done and he said “he couldn’t do that because it was custom, and couldn’t do that” he said they have to do what’s more efficient for them. He proceeded to drill a hole through my foundation and through my new drywall in my basement. He was going to leave a coaxial cable 4 ft in length to dangle from the middle of my wall and call it good. How does anyone with anyone want to have that eyesore? I told him to snake it down to where a normal outlet would be. He couldn’t figure it out himself. He asked me for assistance through the process. We still couldn’t get it. And since it was taking too long and he didn’t have the correct color plates, he left for the day. I asked him when he would be back tomorrow. He proceeded to say “text me at noon to see where I’m at” so noon rolls around I text him. He said he won’t be there till 5. So we are sitting around waiting for him. He texts again and said 6:30. Mind you it’s a Saturday evening and we had plans. He then proceeded to text us an CANCEL. he called and said he will be at my house 9am Sunday. I said be here at 9AM. He joked and said he will be there at 8:30. It’s Sunday morning and 9:05am rolls around and no where to be found. I text him and he replies “I’m just now getting up, I’m on my way, thanks”. I reply back saying my day doesn’t revolve around him and his schedule. He made a few stops before even going to my house and said he couldn’t be there till 11;30. We had stuff to do so we said don’t bother coming we will let you know when we are home. Texted him when we were on our way home. He showed up at 1:30p put a plate over the hole it made in the wall, crooked, off set from the outlet down at the bottom of the wall. Dirties up the wall hand prints, drywall dust. He also didn’t out a normal coaxial plate with the screw for the cable. He had it sticking out the wall 2 inches to connect to another cable to connect to my modem. Looked ugly and shotty work. I had to clean up the whole mess of drywall and hand prints on the wall. Before I could get down to the basement to inspect the work, the tech left and bolted before I could say anything to him. I had to schedule another appointment with cox today to get another tech to come out. Today (Wednesday) was the earliest they could get someone. Again the tech wasn’t friendly at all. No customer service. I told him what happened. Couldn’t care less in the world. Told him what I wanted fixed. And he shrugged it off and said “psshhh I can see what I can do”. He fixed it actually had me come look at it. I approved. Still looks terrible overall but the worst experience ever. I also live in Omaha Nebraska so be weary of these guys.

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