Forum Discussion

Mr_Scary's avatar
New Contributor II
5 years ago

Slower Speeds for 2 months

For the past 2 months I have been getting only HALF of what I am paying for. 

Was getting over 300 now getting around 150. 
I was even getting 360 over a year ago.

I have not said anything, but it's becoming a problem when my downloads are taking several hours longer. 

I have the same equipment, I also noticed when I reset my router and set it up, I was getting full speed, then it goes back to half. 
I hate to say it, but is COX throttling my internet? I know they have access to my router.  

If it's something on my part I would like to fix it, but like I said nothing here has changed, just the speeds. 

I thought about upgrading, but why upgrade so I can pay more to get what I am supposed to get now.. 

It's rather aggravating when spend hundreds of dollars on routers, and modems and pay $155.00 a month and getting throttled . 
Please advise. 


  • I apologize: The issue is defiantly with the router, somehow it slows down for what ever reason, I have factory reset all my routers, re-configured everything again, "again", and my speeds are around 940mb/s down. So I will be monitoring the network.  

    Otherwise the issue has been resolved for the time being.

  • cpufox's avatar
    New Contributor II

    There is definitely throttling going on. If ookla or other speedtests are performed they will show faster speeds than when measuring, averaging download speeds from an otherwise unthrottled source. Anyone have suggestions on the best tool to use to prove this case to Cox?   

  • Mr_Scary's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I apologize: The issue is defiantly with the router, somehow it slows down for what ever reason, I have factory reset all my routers, re-configured everything again, "again", and my speeds are around 940mb/s down. So I will be monitoring the network.  

    Otherwise the issue has been resolved for the time being.

  • CurtB's avatar
    Honored Contributor
    Was getting over 300 now getting around 150. 
    my downloads are taking several hours longer

    150 Mbps = 150,000,000 bits per second * 3600 seconds per hour =  540,000,000,000 bits per hour / 8 bits per byte = 67,500,000,000 bytes per hour / 1,000,000 bytes per MB = 67,500 MB per hour / 1000 MB per GB = approximately 67.5 GB of data per hour (decimal) * 1.024 = 69.1 GB of data per hour (binary)

    Theoretically, at a steady 150 Mbps, you would download approximately 69.1 GB in one hour.  You say your downloads are taking several hours longer?  What are you downloading?

    • Mr_Scary's avatar
      New Contributor II

      A lot of stuff, 70GB is nothing these days. 
      However I will indulge. Today I downloaded Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Modern Warfare. Together they were 350GB. But there are other things as well, Like my Videos, and Streaming. And my Archives. I do a lot of Video Editing, So I have to download videos that can be 150GB - 300GB, after I'm done editing they can be 400-500GB 4K60 So if I have to download a video, then edit it, and then upload, guess how long that takes. All day or 2 or 3 days to get work done. Throw in the fact I have to update my software, and download animations. archive an entire web server and download it, work on it, then zip it again, and upload it to the customer. Hours and hours my friend, I spent over $10,000 on my setup, and pay $155.00 a month so I can be bottlenecked by a *** ISP. That's a bad ROI in my opinion. 

  • Kemcar's avatar
    New Contributor

    I agree. My speeds have also decreased recently all starting when my bill was increased some months ago....  Just did several Speedtests and getting max 17 Mbps when I pay for 150 is infuriating and unsettling. Take my money and short my service?  Not cool. What can be done to bring this to Cox attention? 

  • Hi Mr_Scary,

    We want you to enjoy your services as intended. I completely understand how frustrating it can be when you experience slow internet speeds. Please feel free to reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or at

    Please include a link to your message and send us a private message with your home address, your first/last name, and the name of the primary account holder.

    We are available 24/7.

    Thank you,

    Mike J.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator