Forum Discussion

AJ_Gringo619's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Service keeps getting worse

After going through a bad situation a while ago (ref:, my service is still completely dying at random times - modem either hard-resets itself, or it freezes until I power-cycle it -  and now even field supervisors don't show up for appointments. While on the phone with another supervisor, my new modem reset itself, just like the previous 2 did (both with WiFi). What was really interesting was while this was happening, my cell phone connection to the supervisor became so garbled that I couldn't understand her...until the Internet modem completed its reset.

How is this even possible??? Cox Mobile has nothing to do with Cox Internet/Voice, so how this happened at the exact same time is beyond me. Is it even remotely possible that my downgrading of all my Cox services has caused this; one supervisor wondered the same thing. Not nearly as often, our Cox Contour service gets a little wonky; nothing like the Internet, but still an annoying occurrence.

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Still have the TM3402? If so, what do the logs say?

    Cox Mobile has nothing to do with Cox Internet/Voice

    Wifi calling? Next time disable the Wi-Fi on the phone and see if effected.

    • AJ_Gringo619's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Not using WiFi calling, never have. Yes, still have the TM3402. I'm guessing I'll have to bypass my WiFi router to get at the logs, correct? If so, that will have to be another day.

      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor
        I'm guessing I'll have to bypass my WiFi router to get at the logs,

        Not unless your routers blocks it. Try

  • AJ_Gringo619's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I just thought of something...could it be possible that there's an irregularity with the outlet that powers the modem? I wonder if adding a UPS could mitigate this. We lose power where I live way too often; sometimes I'll hear my PC's UPS click, not enough for my system to notice anything.