Forum Discussion

Mike_Y's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Panoramic Modem - Unacceptable Fan Noise?

I just replaced my 4 year old Cox DOCSIS 30 modem with new their Panoramic modem/router.  Couple issues, but most importantly is the noise.  I assume it has an internal fan (?)  It is a low humm/buzz coming from the device.  I have this in my office, but if it was in my living room or a bedroom I would have to shut it off.

Do others have noise issues with this modem?  If this is normal, I will have to return it and purchase my own compatible modem.

The other issue is that I can't modify the DNS servers.  Why can't we modify the DNS servers?  What benefit would there be to Cox to lock that down?

I think I'll post to twitter also so that I can get this addressed before I lose my mind from the noise!

Thanks in advance for your input.

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  • Mike_Y's avatar
    New Contributor

    Just replaced this jet engine fanned, no-DNS change allowed, no-DDNS client device with an Arris SB8200.  Back to normal now - no buzzing/humming fan - and back in control of all of my configuration via my router.

    I do not recommend this Technicolor CGM4141 modem/router.  I actually don't recommend Cox service at all, but there are currently zero other choices in my area.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Cox equipment is reissued equipment or somebody had dropped it.  I didn't know a modem had fans.  It could be its power supply.  Return it.

    • Bruce's avatar
      Honored Contributor III

      Why are you in the OP's house?  Git outta there!

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        looking for vitamins....chocolate chip cookies!!