Forum Discussion

Nodal's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Outbound packet loss

I'm currently having connection issues all of a sudden due to what I think is outbound packet loss. Discord lists that as the issue, and I'm having difficulty staying connected to Final Fantasy XIV. I had a tech out today and he said my signal looked fine: we eventually decided to try a new modem but that showed no improvement so I switched back. Not sure how to fix this issue, so any help would be great.

  • Im having this same issue as well. Its has been more increased packet loss start around 7pm.

  • Nodal's avatar
    New Contributor

    Here's some of my stats. This is on a hardwired connection to my modem, but it hasn't shown improvement.

    • Nodal's avatar
      New Contributor

      Also as another data point, last night I was trying to email a file about 1 MB big, and it took about 10 minutes with numerous fails to upload.