Only getting 30Mbps out of 150Mbps plan.
Hi guys. So for backstory, I posted a while ago because I was only getting FIVE mbps out of my 150Mbps plan. Yes. Five. I bought Cat6 cables, and for a few months I've been sitting out at the 30~ range. I was ok with this. However, I want to try and max out the speeds now, because 30Mbps is still nowhere near the Preferred 150 plan.
What could be the problem? I have a DOCSIS 3.0 compatible modem (cisco dpq3212), and my router is the Netgear WNR2000v3. This speed is via a WIRED connection. This issue is getting out of hand, albeit I am patient. Please suggest anything and I will try it. It almost seems stupid to keep a telephone and cable plan. Might just get gigablast, because this speed issue shrouds all else in terms of price.
Note: This speed was tested on the Cox website. I get similar speeds, with maybe +-5/10 on other tests. It is consistent.