Forum Discussion

khali20830's avatar
New Contributor
5 months ago

Not to beat a dead horse, but

Hi everyone. I spend 3.5 hours today on the phone, and on tech support chat after hours to try and fix all my issues. Long story short, I have the 500/50 plan. My internet has been horrible since day one. I'm getting the 500 down, but my upload speeds frequently drop to 0.03. I'm LUCKY if I get anything 5mbps or higher. Is there anything I can do? I have scheduled a tech appointment. I am just losing patience, and Cox is the only ISP for my building, but I am even considering satellite internet because even they had better upload speeds. Any advice would help. 


  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    What modem are you using? You appear to be using a DOCSIS 3.0 modem, and per cox 

    Note: Compatible DOCSIS 3.0 modems on Go Even Faster (500 Mbps) receive up to 10 Mbps upload. 

    While they WILL provision a D3 modem on the 500/50, it will only top out at 500/10. MOST 24 downstream channel D3 modems have 8 upstream channels, you appear to only have 4 locked. That can mean 2 things, either you have noise on the line or a bad signal, OR, your modem is only 24x4, which I find hard to believe. They are not common. 

    Let us know the outcome of the technician, and see about upgrading to a D3.1 modem to get your upload speed to 50 vs 10. 

  • Hi khali20830, glad to see that you have an appointment scheduled.  The tech should be able to address any connections concerns during the appointment.  If you would need any assistance with your account following that appointment.  We can definitely assist you with this.  Please reach us on Twitter at CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email by at anytime for assistance.  We are always happy to help.

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      He needs a D3.1 modem to reach the speeds he is paying for. He using a D3.0 modem. 

      • khali20830's avatar
        New Contributor

        I’m getting 600mbps download speed, my problem is my upload speed drops to 0.03mbps. I never get anywhere close to the 50. I’m lucky to get 5-10. 3.0 or 3.1 won’t matter in this low of an upload speed. There’s an issue other than equipment. I’ve used provided equipment and my own, experiencing the same issue across the board. 

  • lhn_fan's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I had the same problem with upload speed with Cox Fiber service.  I found that the problem was in the software associated with my Intel based network adaptor on my PC.  Changing the adaptor solved the problem for me, but removing the Killer network software that came installed on my PC would also solve the problem.  I'd get a D3.1 modem as well, but that might not be the entire problem.