Forum Discussion
I feel your pain... Im on Outskirts of NOLA area in St Rose... Upload issues are horrendous I got emails to send and virtual meetings to attend in the early morning hours and sometimes at night... the 0.02 Mbps to 0.04 Mbps upload speeds that seem to follow a pattern... ** upload from 4 to 8 am 0.02, gets better around 8 Am 1.2 Mbps, byt 10AM up in the 15 Mbps noon works as intended (30 Mbps) until about 4 to 6 PM, then its back to **... 0.02..
They need more Fiber alternatives... I've been having to use Cellular Hotspot devices for any actual usable service.
Hopefully Tmobile starts offering their home internet service here soon.
Tired of calling or using the chat option to try and report an outage... everything is always fine they say... lets reboot the modem they say... again.. lets line up a tech... if its a good tech he puts in a maintenance ticket for the node thats oversubbed or has a broken amp... if its a bad tech you might get a new drop line... (ive had multiple...)
Only issue ive ever had with cox has been upload issues... never in the home...
Ill be running pingplotter and tracert and filing a complaint as well....
I completely understand the frustration of having slow upload speeds. Currently, there is an outage in your service area. Because you are having upload issues I would definitely recommend scheduling a technician once the outage in your area clears.
Ben S.
Cox Support Forums Moderator
- sblaisew4 years agoNew Contributor
..... its not slow upload speeds.. its non existent upload speeds... Dial up Upload speeds from back in the day were least you were guaranteed ~25-56k.. when you get down to 0.01 Mbps.... you cant send a fax over that... 9600k was the bare min for that...Cox does realize how the internet works i would hope... communication on both ends needs to occur, send and receive.. 0.001 ... there is no send... and its an every day to every other day occurrence... may have had 2 solid days with full service this month...
I'm aware that currently there is an issue... but 99% of the time there's no issue listed... and you go through the basic tehch support bs.. where they pitch "if you go to complete care you get better tech support"... I'm at IT supervisor for an oil company... if i told my clients that im sorry what you paid for isn't working but if you pay a bit more we may be able to figure it out better.... seriously?.
Im sure after the "current issue is resolved" i'll probably have good service for a day... if its a full day, last time 5 hours then dead after the outage was all cleared...
I have a "tech" lined up.. again... if he wants to replace the drop Im cancelling service.....
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