Forum Discussion

kenbot's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Is everyone's internet and TV as bad as mine?

I have had my service for less than 1 year. I pay for Gigablast and have the largest TV channel package plus phone service. My internet runs between 7Mbps and 60Mbps most of the time with an occasional 100Mbps. The sound and picture don't match often, picture freezes or goes black etc. A Cox service tech changed my TV boxes from wireless to hard wired but it actually made the problem worse. I tried using service again but they charged me $75. This was because they say they don't guarantee performance and since the system is technically providing something, it's my problem. If I don't like it I can pay a $200+ fee and cancel my account. At this point I am willing to pay for a different service. Do any of you know if there is a "Real Gigabit" option in Goodyear? Unfortunately I don't have fiber at the street.

  • KleeWai's avatar
    New Contributor III

    We all have trash internet, and if you see cox is blocking all forums calling them out

  • @Kenbot. Sounds like there may be a signal issue to the home. I recommend sending us an email with your full name, address, and a brief description of the issue(s) to so we can look into this issue further for you. Thanks. -Allan Cox Support Forums Moderator.