Forum Discussion

jgoodwin's avatar
New Contributor II
5 years ago

Is Cox going to compete with other ISPs by removing bandwidth restrictions?

Comcast, ATT, and Tmobile have lifted bandwidth restrictions. Anyword from a Cox representative if this will happen with you as well or will you not be competative with the other companies?

4 Replies

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  • Calflipz's avatar
    New Contributor

    Yes. Cox along with virtually every other ISP and Carrier in the US have signed onto an FCC compact called Keep Americans Connected. The FCC says that signatories to the pact will suspend data caps, data overage charges, late fees, disconnect fees, disconnections for non payment, waive access charges for public hotspots, waive long distance charges and prioritize healthcare workers and hospital connections for 60 days as the nation deals with the economic impact of the novel Coronavirus. 

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    @Jgoodwin, beyond what we have already implemented, our teams are still working on additional ways to provide support and relief for our customers. To learn about how Cox is responding to the Coronavirus, please visit our website here:

    -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • jgoodwin's avatar
      New Contributor II

      So no,you're not going to do the same thing every other ISP is doing. Good, Nice to know the monopoly isn't affecting you at all.