Internet began having problems on 5 July 2021. Technician scheduled to show 12 July 1PM-3PM. Internet returned to service 6 July still kept technician appointment. 12 July internet still working, technician could not find any problem. The Help Desk asked if I would like to purchase the COX maintanence agreement for $10 a month. Internet was restored within minutes of my statement.
29 July - 2 August internet intermitten contacted help desk each day. Signal could not get to modem each time I contacted the help desk. Each time the Help Desk asked if I would like to purchase the COX maintanence agreement for $10 a month. Internet restored. The Technician was schedule to show between 3PM and 5 PM 3 August. Technician never showed up.
Internet intermitten 8-11 August, Again Help desk asked if I would like to Purchase Cox Maintance Plan for $10 per month. I said this sounds like a scam/fraud to get me to pay for the plan. Internet was restored within minutes of my statement. Technician scheduled to show between 1PM and 3 PM 10 August. Internet was up technicina ran a few test no problem found, changed out modems anyway.
21 -22 September internet down fron 21 Sep 5:35PM to 22 Sep 8:45AM. Technician scheduled 28 Sep between 8 AM to 10 AM. Again i mentioned to the Help Desk the Cox Maintenace Plan sounds like a scam to get to sign up for the plan. Internet up within a few minutes before the conservation ended. I kept the scheduled appointment for 28 Sep.
Stop forcing your help desk to do your sales pitch! Fix the problem!