Forum Discussion

Manestra's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

Internet Instability and Jitter

So about 36 hours ago my internet started acting up. I checked the modem channels and found that one of them just isn't bonding;

The computer I am using is hardwired to the modem and there is no splitter/amp/surge protector between the coax outlet and the modem.


Continous Internet Test:

Is this on my end or what should I do?

  • Had the technician guy come out today. The box outside the house was perfect. The coax outlet inside was perfect. The problem ended up being the 3ft Coax cable between the wall outlet and the modem. He replaced that and boom , works like a charm. Not experiencing any more random disconnects nor any packet loss. 

  • Manestra's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Had the technician guy come out today. The box outside the house was perfect. The coax outlet inside was perfect. The problem ended up being the 3ft Coax cable between the wall outlet and the modem. He replaced that and boom , works like a charm. Not experiencing any more random disconnects nor any packet loss.