Forum Discussion

dondebibell's avatar
New Contributor
4 months ago

Internet and TV went up $60

Because my packages expired my bill went up even though I had a guarantee for lower rates. I have spent the day researching how to lower my bill. I talked to two “loyalty” helpers. They were kind, but could only offer packages they have. I went online and found different packages that I could customize, however when I proceeded to check out, I found those were only available to new customers. I am being penalized for being a loyal customer.

so I customized another package, but it wouldn’t continue. I tried chatting with the snails who felt like they had to ask the same questions I had already answered twice instead of answering my questions.

How do I get real help?

  • Hi The purpose of the Cox Forums is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox Cable, Telephone, and High-Speed Internet services with other customers. This appears as if you may need someone to look into your account personally. We would definitely be able to assist you with this. Please reach out to us privately. our email address is please include your full street address and a link to your forum post.