gigablast speeds in 89121 have returned to normal!
i guess they have found the culprit, or maybe they upgraded the node i am on? Everything seems to be working just fine after an outage the other morning. My speeds are what they once were, heopfully they hold :) i have faith because my service, despite the ** from the past 3 weeks, is absolutely awesome. I never need to complain, ever, well except the past 3 weeks. So lets see how things go tomorrow when i ask for a free months service, as my internet was basically unusable for the first 3 weeks of the month of august.
Is everything back to normal for everyone else in the vegas valley? I am talking about a prolonged slowness, not one speeds test worth of slow. I know there were a bunch of us in the same boat these past weeks. anyways thank you cox for giving us what we have been paying for. It is nice to be able to watch a stream on more than one tv in the house again 🙂