Forum Discussion

Jen123's avatar
New Contributor
12 months ago

Email about platform upgrade by Jan 22

Is this a real thing? I'm to upgrade. The return email is a cox email, but it is supposed to be an administrator. It all seems fishy, but no one needs to lose their email either. 

Dear Cox Customer,


According to our records, your Cox account has not been moved to our new server yet. Due to the recent server upgrade, customers who have not updated their accounts will no longer be able to log in as of January 22, 2024. To try not to lose your Cox account, you should look into our refreshed server right away.


Upgrade your Cox account to the most recent Juno Server to take advantage of the newly enhanced features.


Click the link below to learn more about upgrading your Cox Webmail:


(phishing link removed)


Before upgrading your Cox account, please ensure that your password is correct.


©2024_ Cox _Communication Inc. All rights reserved.
Thank you,
Cox Administrator

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor II

    SCAM! The link goes to Snipfeed. I have heard about this before. Scammers are taking advantage of the change to Yahoo email. Forward the email AS A ATTACHMENT to

  • CurtB's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Jen123  Please delete the link to avoid the possibility that another forum user will click it.

    A new forum user supposedly posting contents of a scam email on a weekend is suspicious. 

    Attention: Any moderator.  Becky TiffanyR CareIntegration 

    • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor II

      Who is CareIntegration anyway? I always seem them signed in(and only them) but they have never posted.

      • CurtB's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        It may not be anybody.  It says Community Manager.   I included them when I mentioned moderators on the chance that someone actually is monitoring it.  Moderators aren't always available on weekends.  That's why a post on a weekend from a new user supposedly asking if an email is legitimate seems suspicious.  Maybe OP is the scammer.

        I also used the icon to report this discussion.  Apparently, no one monitors that either.