Forum Discussion

l-dawg's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

disappearing emails

suddenly I can't receive facebook email notifications or a website that I follow on a daily basis and who knows what else. If you don't know what you don't get?? I can log into the websites directly which means extra steps multiple times daily.

  • L-dawg, are you using a third-party email client? If yes, what is the program you are using?

    Thank you,

    Mike J.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • L-dawg, are you using a third-party email client? If yes, what is the program you are using?

    Thank you,

    Mike J.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • l-dawg's avatar
    New Contributor

    I hope this is not redundant. I don't see the reply I just sent. I tried a search on this but found very little. I've been with Cox 10+ years ever since they bought out my previous provider. Cox set up the email that I used. This is what I found: © 2016-2020 OX Software GmbH, UI version: 7.8.4 Rev65

    Server version: 7.8.4-Rev73.

    • CrystalS's avatar
      Former Moderator

      This appears as if you may need someone to look into your account. We would definitely be able to assist you with this. Please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email us at Please provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started.

      Crystal S.
      Cox Support Forum Moderator
  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    fb/other sites changed some things, have you been in settings to to select what you what notifications you want from each?

    fwiw i get fb notifications + several others, every day to cox email.