Forum Discussion

Radon's avatar
New Contributor II
7 years ago

Data Usage

Looking at some older posts I noticed that data tracking accuracy was verified by a 3rd party. Is this third party paid by Cox and does it have to report to a Government entity as to the accuracy of the findings? Do dropped packets get counted? I would like to think that if there is a connection issue that could be a faulty external connection or node that the customer does not have to pay for the lack of performance not only with quality of service but monetarily.

My final opinion is the jump to charge for data has been extremely negative for your service. When Giga-blast was first introduced it was going to be a 3 TB plan, now reduced. If you're going to charge for data you need more options not just an additional 50% and unlimited. The sad truth is most people are tech savoy enough to realize that when you jumped to on demand TV with your digital devices, your bandwidth usage was dropped tremendously if not exponentially. So charging for data like there is a shortage, pretty obvious as to what is going on here.    

Last, when I agreed to your terms and conditions and went to read them the page was not found, :)

  • The bandwidth meter is a joke.  I've already reached out to the FCC giving them clear demonstrations of just how unethical Cox's data usage fees are. 

    Just keep an eye out for wireless 5g service in your area.  Cox now makes Comcast/ATT look ethical.  A major provider had rolled out unlimited 5g service for $50 a month.  A reckoning is coming for the cable modem monopolies.  

  • Also, downgrade your service speed, you'd be surprised how little speed you actually need.  All plans get the 1TB data usage.  Even 4K Netflix / Amazon  / Youtube streams work beautifully at 50mbits.  You don't need 100mbit / 150mbit / 300mbit / etc.

  • will_ditch_cox_'s avatar
    New Contributor III

    The bandwidth meter is a joke.  I've already reached out to the FCC giving them clear demonstrations of just how unethical Cox's data usage fees are. 

    Just keep an eye out for wireless 5g service in your area.  Cox now makes Comcast/ATT look ethical.  A major provider had rolled out unlimited 5g service for $50 a month.  A reckoning is coming for the cable modem monopolies.  

  • will_ditch_cox_'s avatar
    New Contributor III

    Also, downgrade your service speed, you'd be surprised how little speed you actually need.  All plans get the 1TB data usage.  Even 4K Netflix / Amazon  / Youtube streams work beautifully at 50mbits.  You don't need 100mbit / 150mbit / 300mbit / etc.

    • Radon's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Agreed, I'm network admin with a company that has ~200 devices on LAN with internet access connected with 4 other sites that remote back in w/100 mb symmetrical fiber. We typically run under 50% on bandwidth while viewing the firewall. We even allow YouTube & FB. 

      • will_ditch_cox_'s avatar
        New Contributor III

        The whole asymmetrical rate tiers are a joke too.  And we wonder why the US workforce is so tech illiterate.  Thanks to cable monopolies, internet access is a joke in the US.