Emailed. Thank you for appearing and offering this. I won’t vent my frustrations at you, since I don’t think the problems are your “fault” (LOL), but I do share the frustrations everyone is expressing here.
for what it’s worth, my guess is that this is a load-related issue with a local node. This is based on time of day: all day / afternoons on the weekend, late afternoon and evening during the week. I work from home so my patterns are different, but that looks like a usage load pattern to me.
I’m sure there are very specific limits on what you can or cannot share, and I appreciate that. But I also hope you appreciate that the types of shallow and stunningly naive answers that we get from most the customer service people are maddening. We don’t want a text when the current problem is cleared: we want some kind of idea what the target timeline is for fixing the underlying problem and stopping the instability is.
thank you for your time.