Forum Discussion

wynteraz's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Cox Reps Lie!!! Beware.

I am a long-time client of Cox Communications and I always pay my bill early or at least on time yet this company has really disappointed me of late. I called in to ask why my bill jumped from 241 to 409! I about had a heart attack! Especially now with Covid-19 things are pretty tight and spending 409 on my Cox bill is absurd.

The 1st rep assured me that my promotions were ending but he would go ahead and re-enroll me, and my bill would only raise to 244. I even got a confirmation # from him. Well come to find out, I get a text notification saying my bill is still 409! Really?  So, another long wait to speak with a rep and this time I was told that there was an error in the system, he spoke with a specialist and to call back in an hour or 2 and everything would be fixed.

2 hours later and another 25+ waiting I get to speak with a rep. This one tells me there is no glitch and the confirmation # I was given does not say anything about the 244 price I was promised. Again, Really? This is ridiculous! This time they tell me if I get rid of a bunch of channels and drop my home phone my bill would be 259. So, still more than I was quoted and now I'm out all those channels and my home phone!

At this point, it was later in the evening and after spending an entire day dealing with this, I just accepted to get off the phone and be done with it. Knowing that I would have to call back AGAIN to get the deal I was promised.

The next day I called again and asked to speak with a manager. I was told sorry there are none available and you will need to set an appointment and they will contact you in 24--48 hours!!! Are you kidding me?!! I spoke with the rep to see if he could get my original deal and once again, I was told the best they could do (they love that term there...although it's not true) was 269 if I drop all those channels and my home phone. I'm about to lose it at this point. Do they listen when you talk? Obviously not, that's higher than I was quoted before! 

I ended that call with keeping the last deal at 259. At my whit’s end, I went online to see if other people have as much trouble as I do with Cox and the answer is YES! I still can’t believe how many times I was lied to by Cox representatives. Every time I called in, I was told something different and every time I was quoted something different.

In my area I have other choices for internet and TV so I’m going to get quotes today and if I can get a better deal elsewhere I’, leaving in a hurry!

Shame on you Cox for treating your loyal customers like dirt!

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